Don’t Neglect Pinterest for Fashion, Lifestyle Marketing

Don’t Neglect Pinterest for Fashion, Lifestyle Marketing

Older Instagram and Facebook posts go below new content. Pins are located within a board. If your boards have too many pins, you can subdivide them or start a new board. Boards should mirror your website — categories, subcategories, about us, testimonials, FAQs. Pin each of your products to different boards if possible. Creating Boards Fine-tune your boards and their content after researching keywords. Product boards. Your Pinterest account should be, too. Pins with quotes tend to generate traffic. Keep boards related to your company on the top of your Pinterest account and boards with re-pinned items below.

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Pinterest has roughly 250 million monthly users. The platform is often overlooked by fashion and lifestyle marketers, which could be costly.
Pinterest has roughly 250 million monthly users. The platform is often overlooked by fashion and lifestyle marketers, which could be costly.

Fashion and lifestyle businesses typically favor Instagram and Facebook for marketing. Most neglect Pinterest. That’s a mistake. Pinterest is a critical, untapped source of quality traffic.

I recently included Pinterest in a social media marketing package for a fashion client. Pinterest produced strong results. The client’s Pinterest account barely existed before we started — roughly three hundred views per month. It grew to 37,000 monthly views, which translated into traffic and conversions, all within our small budget.

According to Statista:

  • 250 million people used Pinterest in September 2018.
  • 58.9 percent of U.S. Pinterest users are women.
  • 29 percent of mobile Pinterest users log in several times a week; 24 percent do it daily; 12 percent several times per day.

4 Reasons

In my experience, there are four compelling reasons for most business — especially fashion and lifestyle — to use Pinterest.

  • Pinterest is a search engine. Knowledgeable businesses can get far ahead of the competition by optimizing content for search rankings on Pinterest. If you are familiar with search engine optimization for Google, you will succeed on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest is more static than Instagram and Facebook. Older Instagram and Facebook posts go below new content. If users want to see your old posts, they have to scroll down. Pinterest boards, however, stay in the same location. Pins are located within a board. They don’t get pushed down like Instagram and Facebook posts. If your boards have too many pins, you can subdivide them or start a new board.
  • Pinterest is underutilized by businesses, especially wholesale.