How Cultural Momentum Can Kickstart Your Business

How Cultural Momentum Can Kickstart Your Business

Author: Darrah Brustein / Source: Entrepreneur When launching a new business, you have enough stacked against you. The statistics say mos

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How Cultural Momentum Can Kickstart Your Business

When launching a new business, you have enough stacked against you. The statistics say most startups are likely to fail. You’ll never have enough capital, time or energy. Getting investors and customers is hard.

But there’s one way to help improve your chances: latching onto a trend that’s already happening.

You may have an amazing new product or idea, but if it goes against the cultural momentum, you’re going to be swimming upstream as you try to educate people and change their existing thoughts and behaviors. A much easier path is to ride a wave that already has its own energy. It’s better to swim with the current than try to go against it.

This has a number of benefits for any startup. It leads to easier PR since it fits with stories in which people are interested. It already has an audience and subculture that is welcoming of, and even waiting for, the product. And that audience is more likely to spread the word among others in the subculture.

But here’s the key: It’s not just about copying a trend, it’s about translating the trend for a broader audience.

To build a sustainable business, you’ll need more than the niche group on the leading edge of a trend. Many successful startups today are tapping into trends, but doing it in a way that makes it more accessible and approachable for the mainstream. Here’s a look at a few that are doing it well:

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