Instagram for Business: A #CMWorld Twitter Chat with Robert Katai

Instagram for Business: A #CMWorld Twitter Chat with Robert Katai

Stories. And 80% of accounts follow a business. Today, it’s not a question of whether you should be using Instagram, but how you should be using it. If your product/service/industry is not highly visual, can Instagram still be useful for content marketing? #cmworld A6 If it’s not visual, you can use Instagram to engage with your audience via Instagram Live (you can do short Q&A) or just taking the discussion private on DM #CMWorld — Robert Katai (@katairobi) November 13, 2018 A6: IG can be useful if you find the right way. Is there a niche part of your #B2B brand that is more relevant to an Instagram audience? Don’t do IG for the sake of it, there’s too little time and too much #SMM for that! #CMWorld — Kristen McCabe (@AusmericanGirl) November 13, 2018 Photos, videos, going live: How do you know if Instagram Stories is best for your brand? Photo / video posts, to me, are great for ongoing culture / brand / user value content. Are there brands doing it right?

5 Ways to Persuade Via Social Media
9 Ways to Beat Instagram’s Algorithm For Better Reach and More Likes
Instagram Stories Is Now More Popular Than Snapchat

Instagram is hot right now. Vibrant imagery. Stories. IGTV. Users are heading to the platform to be inspired by content created not only by family and friends but brands too.

Don’t believe me?

Over 500 million Instagram accounts worldwide are active daily. And 80% of accounts follow a business. Today, it’s not a question of whether you should be using Instagram, but how you should be using it.

So how can brands expand their reach and best drive results? We went to Bannersnack Content Marketing Manager and CMI blog contributor Robert Katai.

We had a fast-paced #CMWorld Twitter chat with Robert, as he and many members of our community shared their experiences with Instagram. A look at two of our most-talked about questions is below. For more tweets and responses from the discussion, check out our Twitter Moment.

If your product/service/industry is not highly visual, can Instagram still be useful for content marketing?

A6) welcome to the problem so many companies have. But you know what? Blenders weren’t interesting until Will it Blend. Where there is a will, there is a way. #cmworld

A6 If it’s not visual, you can use Instagram to engage with…