These two words, which routinely appear on the title screens of video games, present both a prompt and a promise. Get in the Game When the going gets tough, gamers can navigate to the options menu and turn down the difficulty level. How convenient! Marketers, of course, don’t have that luxury, which is unfortunate because right now we face steeper challenges than ever in a crowded and rapidly changing environment. That’s why we enlisted some of the field’s foremost leaders and experts to help provide guidance. You’ll rattle through your objectives like Pac-Man gobbling dots. Thank you to all of our experts for sharing their top tips for helping marketers win the content marketing game. Press start and enjoy: Expert Content Marketing Tips for Sharing Have a favorite content marketing game tip from one of our talented speakers? Below are a sample of what you’ll find inside the guide. @rizzlejpizzle Click To Tweet The Next Level If you’re ready to find out what awaits at the 2018 Content Marketing World conference, click here to check out the agenda.

These two words, which routinely appear on the title screens of video games, present both a prompt and a promise. You won’t advance until completing this simple command, but once you do, a world of adventure awaits.
You can “press start” on a brand new CMWorld experience by scrolling down and clicking into our Ultimate Guide to Conquering Content Marketing. Prepare to explore new stages and levels with a host of top players in the content marketing game as we unlock the secrets to success in 2018 and beyond.
Get in the Game
When the going gets tough, gamers can navigate to the options menu and turn down the difficulty level. How convenient!
Marketers, of course, don’t have that luxury, which is unfortunate because right now we face steeper challenges than ever in a crowded and rapidly changing environment.
Consider these statistics, from the 2018 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report (the B2B version includes largely similar numbers):
- Nearly one out of four B2C content marketers (22%) rated their organization’s overall content marketing approach as minimally successful or not at all successful
- More than half of respondents (51%) said that over the last year, it has become increasingly difficult to capture their audience’s attention
- Only 36% of B2C content marketers rated the project management flow during their content creation processes as excellent or very…