Snapchat Ads: The Complete Guide for Business

Snapchat Ads: The Complete Guide for Business

In this complete guide to Snapchat advertising, we’ll look at some key ways to use Snapchat ads to connect with fans and build your brand identity on this powerful social platform Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals how to easily create and use a custom Snapchat geofilter to promote your business for as little as $5. Interactive options like Sponsored Lenses and Geofilters become a seamless part of the Snapchat user experience, encouraging users to share branded content with their friends, and even across other social channels. Whereas 85 percent of videos on Facebook are watched with the sound turned off, 60 percent of video ads on Snapchat are watched with the audio on. Now that you understand why you should think about advertising on Snapchat, let’s look at the different Snapchat ad formats available. Types of Snapchat ads Snap Ads A Snap Ad is a (maximum) 10-second video ad that includes the option to provide more information to users who swipe up on the ad. A Sponsored Geofilter allows a brand to create a custom graphic that Snapchatters can apply to their Snaps—and the uptake is very encouraging, with a national Sponsored Geofilter typically reaching 40 to 60 percent of Snapchatters in the United States. On-Demand Geofilters On-Demand Geofilters are the entry-level Snapchat ads option, allowing any business to get started with Snapchat advertising for as little as $5. Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals how to easily create and use a custom Snapchat geofilter to promote your business for as little as $5. Work directly with Snapchat When you work directly with Snapchat to create ads, you get access to the same creative team that designs the network’s consumer products. Adweek reports that one-day Sponsored Lenses cost between $600,000 to $750,000 per day as of summer 2016, but the price has recently dropped to an average of around $330,000.

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Snapchat Ads: The Complete Guide for Business | Hootsuite Blog

With more than 150 million daily active users watching 10 billion videos per day, Snapchat has a highly engaged audience that’s becoming simply too big to ignore.

In this complete guide to Snapchat advertising, we’ll look at some key ways to use Snapchat ads to connect with fans and build your brand identity on this powerful social platform

Bonus: Download a free guide that reveals how to easily create and use a custom Snapchat geofilter to promote your business for as little as $5.

Why advertise on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a particularly important platform for brands whose target market aligns with Snapchat’s core demographics.

Consultancy Millward Brown found that 88 percent of the users who saw Snapchat ads from a recent campaign for men’s deodorant fit into the target 13- to 34-year-old demographic—which should come as no surprise, since a full 86 percent of U.S. Snapchat users fall into that age category. The network reaches 41 percent of all 18- to 34-year-olds in the United States every single day.

The various Snapchat ad formats allow brands to place their messaging in Discover content, or in between Snapchat Stories. (If you’re not sure of the difference, check out our Beginner’s Guide to Snapchat.) Interactive options like Sponsored Lenses and Geofilters become a seamless part of the Snapchat user experience, encouraging users to share branded content with their friends, and even across other social channels.

If your ads have a great audio track, there’s one additional reason to advertise on this particular network. Whereas 85 percent of videos on Facebook are watched with the sound turned off, 60 percent of video ads on Snapchat are watched with the audio on.

Now that you understand why you should think about advertising on Snapchat, let’s look at the different Snapchat ad formats available.

Types of Snapchat ads

Snap Ads

A Snap Ad is a (maximum) 10-second video ad that includes the option to provide more information to users who swipe up on the ad.

The additional information can simply be more in-depth content—like longer videos (up to 10 minutes) or articles. But it can also provide ways for Snapchatters to interact with your brand (and even buy) directly, through an app install page or mobile website that users access without leaving the Snapchat app.

Snapchat has also recently started offering “sequenced messaging,” a bundle of 10-second Snapchat ad video segments that run back-to-back within Discover to mimic a longer video.

Sponsored Lenses

Lenses are a big part of what makes Snapchat so much fun, whether it’s giving yourself puppy-dog ears or just barfing up a rainbow.

Sponsored Lenses integrate into the lens menu, so Snapchatters can interact with them the same way they do regular lenses, then post the Snap to their Story, save it to Snapchat Memories, or send it to a friend.

@EaarthAngel @SuperBowl Disappointing, but the dunk lens is live on Snapchat for a few more hours. Take matters into your own hands.

— Gatorade (@Gatorade) February 7, 2017

Sponsored Geofilters

A Geofilter is a graphic overlay that Snapchatters can place on their Snaps. As the name implies, Geofilters are usually tied to a specific geographic location, ranging from a single store to a city all the way up to a whole country.

Snapchat Ads: The Complete Guide for Business | Hootsuite Blog
Image via Snapchat.

A Sponsored Geofilter allows a brand to create a custom graphic that Snapchatters can apply to their Snaps—and the uptake is very encouraging, with a national Sponsored Geofilter typically reaching 40 to 60 percent of Snapchatters in the United States.

On-Demand Geofilters

On-Demand Geofilters are the entry-level Snapchat ads option, allowing any business to get started with Snapchat advertising for as little as $5.

Snapchat Ads: The Complete Guide for Business | Hootsuite Blog

They’re just like Sponsored Geofilters, but available for areas as small as half a city block and time commitments as short as one hour—perfect for an individual brick-and-mortar business or a special event or promotion.

Bonus: Download a free…