What Can Modern Marketers Learn From Advertisers of the Past?

What Can Modern Marketers Learn From Advertisers of the Past?

It was a great show, exploring everything from changing gender roles and racial issues in the '60s to the bold, in-your-face advertising tactics that dominated marketing at the time. Without the web to provide information and context, brands were free to create their own reality and to tell customers what to think about their brands. How consumer perception has changed Well, hold on to your fedoras Mad Men fans, because that type of branding still works. "Aspirational advertising" is today's modern version of that in-your-face, one-way conversational advertising. Nathan Linder, the co-founder of IDW, a modern advertising agency, explains how some things have changed, and some have remained. "These tactics continue to be where the rubber meets the road for consumer packaged goods players. What it means for brands Successful brands are still building successful campaigns around carefully crafted brand vision, and customers are still buying in for as long as the company and the product live up to the message. "Authenticity in marketing and advertising is when a brand lives up to all of its promises: quality, customer service, pricing, and when this happens brands win consumer loyalty," shares Ryan Williams, founder of Industry Threadworks. Today's companies have to work harder to earn that trust and work harder to retain it. The same traditional brand-building tactics are still in play, but have simply aged with the times.

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What Can Modern Marketers Learn From Advertisers of the Past?

I was chatting with a marketing friend the other day, and he was telling me how much he loves watching Mad Men, not just for the entertainment value, but to see how advertisers used to conduct business and the creative process Don Draper and his team used to go through for each project. Fun side note: a lot of the commercials that aired during the show were commercials from that time. It was a great show, exploring everything from changing gender roles and racial issues in the ’60s to the bold, in-your-face advertising tactics that dominated marketing at the time.

While modern digital marketing has changed drastically from tools created with adtech (check out these 10 adtech trends to keep an eye out for), programmatic, machine learning, native advertising, data-driven granular targeting and the coveted “growth hacking,” some highly effective advertising methods from the old days have remained.

Fifty years ago, advertising was a one-way conversation. Without the web to provide information and context, brands were free to create their own reality and to tell customers what to think about their brands. Campaigns were written around a catchy slogan and marketing materials, packaging and media supported the manufactured brand vision.

How consumer perception has changed

Well, hold on to your fedoras Mad Men fans, because that type of branding still works. “Aspirational advertising” is today’s modern version of that in-your-face, one-way conversational advertising. Yes, it may be more subtle, but it still works by gently coaxing you to improve your class by purchasing “better” brands.

Nathan Linder, the co-founder of IDW, a modern…