Advice for startup freshmen: How to develop a content marketing strategy that works

Your Content Marketing Isn’t Providing Results, What Can You Do?
6 ways to build a more productive remote content marketing team
5 Reasons You Need a Content Marketing Strategy Right Now
Content Marketing
Content Marketing

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on
creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent
content […]”

– Cited from Content Marketing Institute.

Clearly, based on the above definition, the goal of content
marketing is to build a strong relationship with prospects and
deliver highly valuable content that is relevant to potential
customers. This is the polar opposite of interrupting people with
annoying and irrelevant ads. Content marketers can instead create
valuable works that audience enjoys and desires to know more

More precisely, content marketing helps prospects pay more
attention to messages carried in the content and stimulate their
curiosity to understand your products. Hence, by the time prospects
finish transactions, they have been educated about products you
sell, and are more likely to have an affinity or loyalty to your
brand over other existing competitors.

Also Read:
20 free must-have tools for your zero-budget content marketing

When taking a close look below, undoubtedly, you will find that
content marketing is one of today’s best marketing approaches.

Why do you need content marketing?

The current environment, especially in social media, is filled
with interruptive and annoying banners. Something even worse is
that people nowadays get used to these and act as if nothing has
showed up. Moreover, direct mail, trade shows, and telemarketing
are yielding less new business. In other words, the effectiveness
of traditional push-in marketing approaches is declining.

On the other hand, it is reported that content marketing costs

62 per cent less than traditional marketing
and generates more
than three times as many leads. More and more companies — small and
medium enterprises in particular — find that creating quality
content on video platforms, blogs, and social media brings new
business at higher rates.

Although some may claim that content marketing is expensive, the
fact is that it’s much cheaper than traditional marketing
approaches. For example, in terms of total spend for desired
actions, content marketing is more effective, easier to start, and,
more importantly, popular with consumers because of highly relevant
and specifically designed content. Content marketing not only
maximally makes use of marketing budgets, but also drastically
reduce the money spent on traditional advertising.

How to increase content quality?

Compelling content always attracts customers to your brand. The
content, without a doubt, must to be useful to customers and not
just a promotional message. There is, however, no one-size-fits-all
and universal copy formula, not to mention that there are several
types of content, including live videos on Facebook and podcasts,
for example. With that said, some fundamental principles discovered
by professional marketers have been well-known and implemented

First of all, start with a story. Whether it is
a funny plot or heart-stirring scenario, a story is a desirable
hook. The story must be relevant to customers. It could be…