What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Generate Leads

What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Generate Leads

What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Generate Leads. Every time someone clicks the big red download button, the ebook has fulfilled its purpose. Once the Campaign Is Launched Now you start monitoring for that big spike in interest, and you continue to watch how the content builds to drive downloads and marketing-qualified leads. These goals were based on improving the results of your last campaign by 10 percent. Neither seems like an appropriate strategic response for a B2B marketer in this situation. Too many marketers get caught up in the tactics, especially at times when we need to fall back to our strategies. Has something changed in your target market? Next, Look at Your Content We try to create content that resonates with our prospects, but sometimes it just doesn’t. With more and more content being created and distributed everywhere, focus on learning something with every campaign that can improve the next campaign. If you do the same thing every time, you risk achieving less each time and not meeting your goals.

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What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Generate Leads

Today is the day that you launch that new marketing campaign. Everyone is excited. This is really going to drive demand and create leads for your B2B company.

The ebook is written and produced with its PDF poised to be downloaded. It is itching to be downloaded. Every time someone clicks the big red download button, the ebook has fulfilled its purpose. Or wait, should that button be blue? Or green?

The blog posts are drafted and ready to publish—same with the social posts, emails, and landing page. You are even talking about a webinar and a podcast, plus lots of visual content for Instagram, Pinterest, and Slideshare, and an infographic. Your influencers are lined up to help amplifiy your reach. You even considered a Snapchat takeover.

This is a full-on, all-out, integrated campaign driven by relevant content to your target audience based on your personas’ pain points. If there were a giant switch in a secret backroom laboratory of the office—just like the one Dr. Frankenstein uses to bring his monster to life—and you could throw the switch to launch it all, you would. But there isn’t. Everything needs to be scheduled and launched using a variety of tools over a period of several weeks, rather than barfed out all at the same time.

So you do that, and out it goes. And goes and goes.

Once the Campaign Is Launched

Now you start monitoring for that big spike in interest, and you continue to watch how the content builds to drive downloads and marketing-qualified leads. You’ve set your goals for this campaign, but you seem to be missing your weekly and monthly goals of downloads and leads generated. These goals were based on improving the results of your last campaign by 10 percent. That’s a big increase without any significant changes to the campaign, but better than the 20 percent your boss asked for initially.

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