A lot of companies think all they need is data points, but really, what they need to have is an emotional touch with somebody’s heart. If you have that, then people will remember you, they’ll share what you created, and they’ll talk about it. We’ve created an acronym that we use all the time in our production room. It’s what’s sexy, touching, unique, funny, or elicits fear in the hearts and the minds of the people watching. What’s sexy about your brand, or your product, or the people in your company? They want their day to be disrupted just a little bit, and that makes you memorable. Take a look at the video below, where a big brand did something completely unique and unexpected and they stand out from the pack. To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video We have sexy, touching, unique. To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video The last point is F, for fear. What’s sexy, touching, unique, funny, or elicits fear in your audience.
The secret formula in creating a great video? It all starts with your story. Maury Rogow, CEO and executive producer at leading video production company Rip Media Group, shares with us the key formula they use to create great video.
Data strays and story stays in people’s memory. A lot of companies think all they need is data points, but really, what they need to have is an emotional touch with somebody’s heart. If you have that, then people will remember you, they’ll share what you created, and they’ll talk about it. But how do you get that magic essence?
We’ve created an acronym that we use all the time in our production room. When we’re creating scripts and concepts, we ask each other, “What’s the STUFF in that video? What’s the STUFF in that script?” What’s the STUFF? It’s what’s sexy, touching, unique, funny, or elicits fear in the hearts and the minds of the people watching.
Let’s start with what’s sexy. What’s sexy about your brand, or your product, or the people in your company? Now, sexy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a fashion brand or Victoria Secret’s or anything like that. What sexy is, is what sizzles. What’s different? What really makes you stand out? It might not be something that you’re really thinking of that’s obvious, so you’ve got to dig deep. I have an example for you down below, of somebody who was trying to do something very basic and mundane – sell a used car from 20 years ago. But, he put together a video that was absolutely epic:
The real gold in this video is that he made something mundane into something sexy, into something that sizzled. Not only did he get five and a half million views on…