Why Snapchat Is Still Relevant for Brands

There’s a good argument that this hasn’t changed, but as brands and influencers have watched Instagram Stories dwarf their views on Snapchat, many are skeptical of pouring more energy into the channel, particularly when Instagram offers superior analytics and is introducing some amazing new features for influencers. Abandoning Snapchat completely, however, may be shortsighted. The platform is also still favored among teens 35% to 24% over Instagram. Moreover, Snapchat is the only major platform to cultivate what marketers call “appointment viewing,” or that feeling of missing out on content if you don’t check in frequently. All of this adds up to a resiliency for Snapchat and an ability to make an impact even without the reach or pin-sharp analytics of Instagram. Snapchat isn’t a place to sell your brand the way Instagram is, particularly after Instagram’s latest updates, which allow verified viewers to shop looks through Instagram Stories. Snapchat & Influencers Recognizing that Snapchat is still very relevant given the statistics above, what’s the best way to use this channel? Here are some quick tips for making the most of influencer collaborations on Snapchat: Work with the influencer to get as much data as you can. Ask the influencer to save their Snap on Snapchat Memories so you can view it. Above all, remain authentic.

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Snapchat for Business

Before Instagram Stories threw a wrench in its seemingly unstoppable growth trajectory, Snapchat was the most promising opportunity for brands looking to reach Millennials and teens. There’s a good argument that this hasn’t changed, but as brands and influencers have watched Instagram Stories dwarf their views on Snapchat, many are skeptical of pouring more energy into the channel, particularly when Instagram offers superior analytics and is introducing some amazing new features for influencers.

Abandoning Snapchat completely, however, may be shortsighted.

For the same reasons that users first fell in love with the platform, Snapchat has remained a force that brands can’t ignore. Instagram may have inarguably won the battle over analytics and audience size, but it still hasn’t replicated the authenticity that made Snapchat so unique.

Insights now show that Snapchat users are quantitatively the most engaged of any major platform, which means each user has a higher value to brands. The platform is also still favored among teens 35% to 24% over Instagram. Moreover, Snapchat is the only major platform to cultivate what marketers call “appointment viewing,” or that feeling of missing out on content if you don’t check in frequently.

All of this adds up to a resiliency for Snapchat and an ability to make an impact even without the reach or pin-sharp analytics of…