4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Invest in Content Marketing

4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Invest in Content Marketing

4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Invest in Content Marketing. Not sure if content marketing is right for your business? Creating your own content provides your business with a variety of untapped opportunities to increase sales. For a lot of businesses, content marketing seems far off from what they are currently doing. Growing your social media marketing campaign? Publishing blog posts that dive into different industry topics can serve as the perfect place to direct these customers to the answers they are seeking--and to your business. If you’ve already implemented SEO on your website, you know the importance keywords play in boosting your search rankings. Even better, that traffic is high-quality traffic. Whether you run ads on Facebook, launch a PPC campaign, or invest in display ads, it’s going to cost you money. It has been shown that 88 percent of B2B organizations and 76 percent of B2C companies are leveraging content marketing, in some form or another, to grow their business.

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4 Reasons Why Your Business Should Invest in Content Marketing

Not sure if content marketing is right for your business? As one of the few marketing strategies with very little up front cost and the potential for high ROI, I highly encourage you to rethink your stance.

Seth Godin famously said, “Content marketing is the only marketing left,” and for good reason. Creating your own content provides your business with a variety of untapped opportunities to increase sales. Whether you publish a few blog posts a week, record a podcast, or film original video, any form of original content helps in turning information-seeking consumers into customers. Here’s four reasons why…

1. Content marketing will supplement your current marketing strategy.

For a lot of businesses, content marketing seems far off from what they are currently doing. In actuality, it probably fits right in. Are you already running a PPC campaign? Focusing on SEO? Growing your social media marketing campaign? You probably answered “yes” at least once.

Content marketing complements all three of these marketing strategies. How so? For PPC, it gives you more landing page opportunities. Sometimes a customer may not be in the buying stage of the sales funnel, but they are actively seeking more information. Publishing blog posts that dive into different industry topics can serve as the perfect place to direct these customers to the answers they are seeking–and to your business. Once potential customer lands on your blog post, you can show them advertisements once they leave your site via Adwords Remarketing.

If you’ve already implemented SEO on your website, you know the importance keywords play in boosting your search rankings. Through a blog, you are able to incorporate more keywords in a search-engine friendly manner that will continue to improve your…