4 SEO Things You MUST Do When Migrating Your Site to a New Platform

4 SEO Things You MUST Do When Migrating Your Site to a New Platform

Author: Will Hanke / Source: Medium Change is difficult. Nobody really looks forward to it. However, when it comes to migrating your site

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Change is difficult. Nobody really looks forward to it. However, when it comes to migrating your site to a new platform, it’s probably because change is needed. Whatever the reason for the switch, this is a great opportunity to get your SEO up to date and make sure your site is optimized to get all that new traffic your new platform can support.

With the constantly changing landscape of SEO (Hello, Google algorithm updates!), you’re probably unsure of what “getting your SEO up to date” even means right now. There are definitely some must-haves if you want your site to rank well without using scammy “black hat” techniques. With that in mind, here are 4 things you MUST do when migrating to a new platform.

#1. Make Sure Your Content is Top-notch

It’s time to be honest with yourself, even if it’s a bit painful. Is your content as good as it can be?

The Big G makes a big deal about user experience nowadays, and a big part of that experience is the quality of your content. That means it needs to be free of errors, properly formatted, and useful to visitors who would find it via your desired keywords.

If someone enters a question in a search engine and a page from your site pops up, will the visitor be happy with the answer they find on your site? If the content on your website is poorly written, unclear, or full of industry jargon, it’s time to refresh it.

That could mean hiring a professional web editor if you don’t have time to do it yourself. The editor will also help with formatting your content to further optimize it for search engines.

#2. Optimize for Mobile Devices

Having a mobile optimized website isn’t important. It’s an absolute NECESSITY. Why? According to Hit-wise, close to 60% of all queries on Google in the US are now made from mobile devices, and everything indicates that the trend will continue to increase.

Who’s your target demographic? If it’s millennials, then mobile optimization is even more important. For many people in the 18–35 age group, a mobile device is their main…