4 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ad Results

Do you want to get more out of Facebook ads? This ad promoting the company’s Facebook page includes a link to their website in the text. This tactic works well in this instance because the ad shows people that despite being small, this business has a website for customers to find more information. Including a link in an ad designed to promote a page also lets people find out more about the content the business shares. Keep in mind that this tactic can be harmful to your campaign if your Facebook ads are optimized for two or more objectives or have multiple objectives that don’t work in harmony (for example, app installs and event responses). Locations Specifying a location in your ad set lets you target people in a certain geographic area who have something in common with what you’re promoting. For example, suppose that you have an organic beauty business with multiple locations and you want to create an ad to promote your Facebook page. If you separate your ad sets by city, you can see which locations are responding well to your ads and invest more of your ad budget into those. Here’s a selection of interests and behaviors you may want to target. When you include an offer that can be used only when people are exposed to your Facebook ad campaign, you’ll be able to see how successful your ads were within your customer database.

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Do you want to get more out of Facebook ads?

Looking for ways to make your campaigns more cost-effective?

Some simple tactics can help you maximize the performance of
your Facebook campaigns, especially if you’re on a tight

In this article, you’ll discover four ways to optimize
your Facebook ad campaigns for better results

5 Instagram Tools for Marketers by Ashley Baxter on Social Media Examiner.
#1: Combine Multiple Objectives in a Single

If your business is relatively new or has a small customer base,
consider optimizing your campaign for multiple benefits
. Although this practice is not recommended
for larger businesses that want to put all of their efforts into
one objective, optimizing for several objectives can be effective
for small budgets.

In the ad below, a Facebook page with a relatively small
audience is trying to promote their page and encourage likes.
Notice they’ve included a link to their site and are using the ad
promote their blog

facebook ad example with website link
This ad promoting the company’s Facebook page includes
a link to their website in the text.

This tactic works well in this instance because the ad shows
people that despite being small, this business has a website for
customers to find more information. If people visit their website,
it can help encourage trust in the brand, making users more
inclined to like the Facebook page.

Including a link in an ad designed to promote a page also lets
people find out more about the content the business shares. If
users click on the website and find content they enjoy, they might
become long-term followers of both the page and website.

Keep in mind that this tactic can be harmful to your
if your Facebook ads are optimized for
two or more objectives
or have multiple objectives that
don’t work in harmony (for example, app installs and event

#2: Take Advantage of Targeting Features to Refine Your

To create a low-cost, high-performing Facebook ad, you need to
narrow down your target audience. This will help ensure
your ads reach the right people
, giving you the best
chance of success. You’ll also avoid spending money serving ads to
people who won’t be interested in your business.

facebook ad audience targeting options
Define your target audience.

Here are the parameters to define within your ad set to
optimize ad targeting


Specifying a location in your ad set lets you target
people in a certain geographic area
who have something in
common with what you’re promoting.

For example, suppose that you have an organic beauty business
with multiple locations and you want to create an ad to promote
your Facebook page. If the ad is specifically for your Los Angeles
store, use location targeting to serve your ad to people in the Los
Angeles area who may already be familiar with your brand or are
more likely to visit your store.

target a specific geographic area with facebook ad
Target Facebook ads in a specific geographic

Now repeat this targeting for all of your store locations.
Tailor your ad’s text and imagery for each
to improve the success rate of your campaign.

An added benefit to location targeting is it gives you a way to
split test a campaign. If you separate
your ad sets by city
, you can see which locations