5 Tips to Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

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5 Tips to Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Campaign
Credit – http://www.bigstockphoto.com/image-136349522/stock-photo-online-marketing-advertisement-social-media-concept/

espite the boom in social media marketing, we still don’t hear as much about social media optimization as we do with regards to search engines (SEO) or websites. However, even if you’re not familiar with the term, social media optimization (SMO), there’s a good chance you’re already performing it on some level.

Some examples would be:

  • Analyzing what types of content formats your followers prefer (ex. text vs images).
  • Keeping an eye on analytics to know when followers are more likely to engage with your content.
  • Providing social sharing buttons with every post to make it easy for your audience to share your content.

A major point of SMO is to use social media to promote your content or business in order to build a bigger audience. So you want to make it as easy as possible for your viewers to not only be made aware of your content but to be able to access it and share it as well – and this is where SMO comes in.

Of course, one obvious and the major aspect that goes into great SMO is simply providing outstanding content on your site. The better the content, the happy your audience will be, the more likely they’ll share it through the social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. From there it’s just a matter of more and more people viewing and sharing your work, which consequently drives traffic to your site.

But what are the other key aspects of SMO?

Good question. Here are 5 tips to help you on your way.

1) Optimize Your Profiles

While your images, posts, and tweets will be dynamic and varied daily, your social media profile is static and relatively permanent. And when potential customers first discover you, your profile will be one of the first things they check out.

Here are some ways for optimizing your profile on the social media platforms you’re using:

  • Keep your format, imagery and voice consistent throughout the various platforms you use.
  • You want your website’s URL to be easy-to-find and click on.
  • Fill out the entire profile; the social media platforms like this and will give you preference.
  • Create a specific page on your site to link to from each social media platform. So for example, a specific landing page for Facebook fans, Twitter followers…etc.

2) Powerful Calls To Action Are A Must

As with how many people know about SEO but not SMO, it’s far more common to talk about calls to action (CTAs) regarding website and blog content than it is for posting on social media.

But just like with your website posts, it’s crucial to include strong CTAs for your social media content. After all, the endgame of the social media post is to motivate the reader to perform a certain action, and…