64% of Marketers Attend at Least One Marketing Conference Each Year [POLL]

64% of Marketers Attend at Least One Marketing Conference Each Year [POLL]

Source: Search Engine Journal Conferences are a great way to learn about new and interesting trends in your industry. These events are also an oppo

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64% of Marketers Attend at Least One Marketing Conference Each Year [POLL]

Conferences are a great way to learn about new and interesting trends in your industry. These events are also an opportunity to further improve your skills and up your game. Best of all, you get to rub elbows with well-known experts and meet others within your industry — perfect for networking!

So how many marketing conferences do you attend each year? Here’s what our Search Engine Journal Twitter community said for this #SEJSurveySays poll question.

According to a survey sent out to Search Engine Journal’s Twitter audience, 36% do not attend any marketing conference, 45% attend 1-2 per year, 14% attend 3-4 marketing conferences, and 5% attend 5 or more.

Pie chart of SEJ Survey Says poll results for number of marketing conferences attended per year: 36% do not attend...