7 Dreadful Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2018

7 Dreadful Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2018

Not taking the leap from personalization to individualization. Everybody's talking about personalization, but marketers still struggle to create meaningful customer experiences. You’ve no doubt heard the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle: 80 percent of the effect comes from 20 percent of the causes. But are you using it in your marketing? Whether your focus is on content marketing, social-media marketing or email marketing, 80 percent of your effort should be spent providing value to your audience. Retention marketing should be the backbone of your marketing strategy. No wonder it's employed by 94 percent of small businesses, 93 percent of business-to-business (B2B) companies and 77 percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) organizations. They don’t just stick with the same old channels and strategies. Not spending time crafting your message. When it comes to marketing, it’s not just channel that matters: it’s also the message.

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7 Dreadful Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2018

The marketing landscape is more diverse than ever before, with marketing strategies spanning multiple channels. To stay relevant, you must conduct marketing audits from time to time. With so many tasks to execute, you might be walking a fine line and making a few (or several) blunders.

At Betaout, we’ve learned that these mistakes can cost you time and money you don’t have to waste. Avoid these missteps to help keep your marketing strategy in sync with your brand evolution.

1. Not taking the leap from personalization to individualization.

Everybody’s talking about personalization, but marketers still struggle to create meaningful customer experiences. The question isn’t whether you’re personalizing your messages — everyone is, to some extent. Answer these pressing questions instead:

  • Are you still doing mass-level personalization by simply inserting your customers’ first names?
  • Are you taking individualized insights into account?

Recent research reveals that only 6 percent of marketers worldwide report having a single customer view across online and offline channels. If you don’t fall in this narrow bracket (and the odds are slim, really), your marketing isn’t targeted enough.

2. Not following the cardinal 80/20 rule.

You’ve no doubt heard the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle: 80 percent of the effect comes from 20 percent of the causes. But are you using it in your marketing?

Whether your focus is on content marketing, social-media marketing or email marketing, 80 percent of your effort should be spent providing value to your audience. That leaves 20 percent of your effort for promotional activity. This keeps your audience engaged and builds a long-term relationship.

Brand-oriented messages fizzle. Customer-oriented ones will help you sizzle.

3. Ignoring retention marketing.

Retention marketing should be the backbone of your marketing strategy. Why? Two reasons: It’s easier to sell to someone you’ve built a relationship with, and it’s more profitable to sell to your existing customers.

Need some convincing? Check out these stats:

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