Snap Inc. Opens Advertising Opportunities to SMBs

Snap Inc. Opens Advertising Opportunities to SMBs

Author: Mary Lister / Source: Business 2 Community Starting in June, Snap Inc., the parent company of the popular mobile app Snapchat, wil

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Starting in June, Snap Inc., the parent company of the popular mobile app Snapchat, will begin offering advertisers a suite of self-service advertising tools.

For the past few years, Snap ads have been available to big brands through large media buys accompanied by a Snapchat sales rep, or third-party software providers that plug into Snapchat’s advertising API. To invest, your company had to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars on custom campaigns, often executed and run by third parties.

In a move to include more brands, Snapchat Ad Manager will allow smaller businesses to access advertisement opportunities on the platform. Now in beta with more than 20 brands, Snap Inc. plans to make the ad manager available to advertisers in 29 countries in June 2017. The new self-serve ad manager will be free to businesses of all sizes.

Snapchat advertising manager
slef-service ad platform

The three new Snap business tools include Ad Manager, Snapchat Mobile Dashboard, and Business Manager.

Snapchat Mobile Dashboard

Allows advertisers to view ad creative as seen by Snapchat users, monitor live campaign analytics, edit campaigns, and receive notifications about key metrics. This dashboard can be accessed through the Snapchat consumer mobile application.

Snapchat ad overview
Ad Manager

Buy, manage, optimize, and report on campaigns for all Snap Ad types, including video, app install, long-form video and web view. Organize targeting capabilities, goal-based bidding for swipes or installs and assets like video creative or audience lists like emails and mobile IDs.

Business Manager

Change billing contacts, manage permissions for team members and multiple ad accounts—an opening for agencies…