These Tools Guarantee You Never Run Out of the Content Your Audience Craves

These Tools Guarantee You Never Run Out of the Content Your Audience Craves

Author: Lesya Liu / Source: Entrepreneur Constantly posting great content is your best bet to beat the social-media algorithms and attain

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These Tools Guarantee You Never Run Out of the Content Your Audience Craves

Constantly posting great content is your best bet to beat the social-media algorithms and attain high engagement, but also very challenging and time-consuming. Now, where do we find all this content to share? How do we determine if the audience will like and engage with it?

There are useful content curation tools available that discover popular content for you so you never run out of ideas.


Pocket is a highly recommended app for saving interesting articles to read later, on your own time. This function alone makes Pocket worthy of the download but there is more. Pocket sends you notifications when stories relevant to you are trending. Also, @PocketHits tweets, on average, five trending articles a day.


BuzzSumo is a very powerful content curation software with an amazing formula for calculating how viral is any given piece of content. It ranks the most popular content by displaying lots of engaging statistics that can be separated by popularity on a specific social media platform, specific date and whether it is a video, photos, articles, etc.

BuzzSumo is one of my top sources for great engaging content.


Feedly keeps you on top of relevant content by monitoring RSS feeds you follow and searching for hashtags, your choice of topics, and finding new, worthy websites and content.


SlideShare is amazing for both getting discovered as a content marketer and for digging deep into highly visual content -– and we know people love visuals! -– from a lot of influential people and companies.

SlideShare is mostly used to share presentations, infographics and white papers, so you are guaranteed to find highly-engaging, high quality content you can share as a link or embed where appropriate.


I love Flipboard for its consistently amazing, timely and relevant content….