A CEO shares 5 Powerful Productivity Hacks

Here are a number of productivity methods that I have applied over the years that have helped me to consistently execute my growth hacking strategies. If you begin your day with a feeling of positivity and accomplishment, that feeling will keep you charged up for your entire day. If you waste your willpower on staving off distractions, you have less of it for working on important tasks. Track your Productivity You know the importance of tracking your financials, your web analytics and your key business metrics. I then create a chart for the month so I know whether my productivity is going up or down. For example, how do you remind yourself to make your bed in the morning, exercise, determine your priorities, avoid email in the first 2 hours, or even measure your productivity? Remember: building a habit means taking the same action every single day. I use Todoist to create a daily list and I stick to it. The key is to have measures in place to avoid distractions so that you can stay on task. It’s About Execution How you tackle your day won’t just determine your productivity — it will determine the very success of your entrepreneurial journey.

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As an entrepreneur or business leader, you probably think more about traction and growth than anything else. However, these is another element that’s equally important to your success – your productivity.

I recently had a conversation with Dmitry Dragilev, Founder of JustReachOut, on the importance of productivity to your company’s success.

JustReachOut is a PR tool which currently helps 2000+ entrepreneurs and startups reach out to journalists and get press coverage daily all on their own without the help of PR firms. A few years ago Dmitry grew a startup named Polar from 0 to 40M pageviews per month in 2 years through PR outreach and got acquired by Google.


Here’s what Dmitry shared:

Entrepreneurs have no shortage of ideas and opportunities but most of them fall behind on effectively executing their growth strategies. Productivity can be especially challenging for entrepreneurs because there are no organizational processes to keep them on track and no boss to report to everyday.

Personally, I know how hard it is to stay productive because I have been working remotely for years.

Here are a number of productivity methods that I have applied over the years that have helped me to consistently execute my growth hacking strategies.

1. Start Right

How you start your day determines the pace that you set for your entire day. If you begin your day with a feeling of positivity and accomplishment, that feeling will keep you charged up for your entire day. On the other hand, if you begin your day by checking out your Facebook or Twitter feeds, you are unconsciously giving yourself permission to procrastinate for the rest of the day.

A quick way to build momentum in the morning is to make your bed right after you get up, a tip that Tim Ferris swears by. This might sound trivial, but it gives you a small sense of achievement and control. This feeling propels you to take on the next thing on your to-do list.

It also reinforces within your mind a very important principle – that success is a result of consistently executing a number of small steps.

Try to begin your day as early as possible – no later than 6 AM. Unless you are a night owl, your willpower and energy are at its highest levels in the morning. Make use of that for your most important work – work that requires high levels of analytical or creative thinking. Besides, you get a lot more done in the early hours of the morning because distractions and interruptions are at a minimum.

Finally , waking up early gives you time for rituals like exercise and meditation – both of which are crucial for your physical and mental well-being – and consequently your productivity. You also have time for a healthy breakfast, which keeps your energy levels high.

2. Design your Environment

Experts like Cal Newport and Edward M. Hallowell and many others agree that distractions are the biggest productivity killers of the 21st century. How we handle these distractions make a tremendous difference to how much we accomplish.

However, trying to fight distractions is like fighting a losing battle. We have a limited store of willpower. If you waste your willpower on staving off distractions, you have less of it for working on important tasks. Therefore, rather than try to fight distractions, design your environment to minimize them.

When I walk into my office every morning, I have three things already setup for me:

This way, I don’t have to dawdle around while I wait for the laptop to load, or figure out…