5 Ways to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance

5 Ways to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance

Create a Social Media Audit Spreadsheet There are dozens of metrics you can analyze during a social media audit. In the first column of the spreadsheet, list all of the social networks you’re going to audit. When you analyze these metrics, you’ll add your data to this spreadsheet. Now let’s check out the key metrics you’ll need to analyze with your social media audit. To find out your total number of followers, you can simply visit your social network and look at the number displayed on your profile. Go through all of the social networks you’re auditing and record the number of impressions you’re generating on your social media audit spreadsheet. Make a note of the referred traffic for each social network on your spreadsheet. You’ll want to note both mentions and reach on your spreadsheet. If you want to go a step further, include the number of likes, shares, and comments from the updates mentioning your company. Conclusion Followers, impressions, engagement, clicks/traffic, and mentions are important metrics to analyze while conducting a social media audit.

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Do you want to analyze your social media marketing efforts?

Wondering which metrics to focus on?

Auditing key social media metrics can reveal which aspects of your social media marketing are working and provide insight into which areas you can improve upon.

In this article, you’ll discover five ways to analyze the effectiveness of your social media marketing.

5 Ways to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance by Deep Patel on Social Media Examiner.
5 Ways to Analyze Your Social Media Marketing Performance by Deep Patel on Social Media Examiner.

Create a Social Media Audit Spreadsheet

There are dozens of metrics you can analyze during a social media audit. Deciding which ones to focus on will depend in part on your goals and the platforms you’re using. However, there are some key metrics everyone should analyze.

But before getting into that, create a spreadsheet for the data you’ll track. This will make it easy to compare past audits with current ones. Google Sheets is a good tool to use because your entire team can access it online. It’s also easy to duplicate sheets for future audits.

In the first column of the spreadsheet, list all of the social networks you’re going to audit. Then add a column for the number of followers you currently have and a column for % change in followers. If this is your first audit, you won’t need to use the Followers Change column. In future audits, you’ll add the change in follower percentage, which can be positive or negative.

Create a social media audit spreadsheet to use for tracking key metrics for your business.
Create a social media audit spreadsheet to use for tracking key metrics for your business.

From here, add a regular column and a % change column for all of the metrics discussed below. When you analyze these metrics, you’ll add your data to this spreadsheet. Also be sure to note the date of the audit and conduct your audits at fixed intervals.

Now let’s check out the key metrics you’ll need to analyze with your social media audit.

#1: Examine Follower Growth to Identify Anomalies in Audience Behavior

The number of social media followers you have matters because bigger numbers translate to higher levels of engagement and more traffic.

To find out your total number of followers, you can simply visit your social network and look at the number displayed on your profile. However, you’ll get better insights if you go into your social media analytics and look at the graph for follower growth. Look for any outliers in the data.

For example, suppose the graph below represents the followers/likes growth of your Facebook page. As you can see, the daily likes growth is consistent, except for the day when the line spiked with more than 60 likes.

Analyze follower growth on all of your social networks while conducting a social media audit.
Analyze follower growth on all of your social networks while conducting a social media audit.

If you simply checked the total number of likes displayed on your Facebook page, you wouldn’t know about this spike. But now that you do, you can start digging into why spikes occurred. Check what you posted on that day or see if someone else tagged you.

You’ll want to look at analytics for all of your social networks to examine follower growth. Be sure to add your current number of followers to your spreadsheet.

If you find it a slog to go through every social network’s built-in analytics, use a social media dashboard tool like Cyfe, which displays the follower growth of your top social networks in one place. Cyfe makes it easy to track and monitor your social media data so you can evaluate the total ROI and success of your social activities.

Cyfe displays social media metrics for all of your social networks in one dashboard.
Cyfe displays social media metrics for all of your social networks in one dashboard.

#2: Look at Impressions to Spot Irregularities in Reach

The impressions metric is the number of people who’ve seen…