A Content Marketing Strategy Must Revolve Around Branding, Not SEO

A Content Marketing Strategy Must Revolve Around Branding, Not SEO. There are a number of important reasons to use content marketing for branding rather than SEO. Content Marketing for Branding Improves SEO Your SERPs will be higher over the long-term if your content marketing strategy is focused on branding rather than SEO. It was basically a content farm with articles written by freelancers. Most of these freelancers took a very heavy-handed approach to SEO. They would always include multiple keywords on every article to try to generate as much organic search traffic as possible. Your SEO strategy will ultimately be much more sustainable if you focus on using content to build your brand instead of boosting your SERPs. Google will believe your site is more natural and be less likely to penalize it. Your Brand Is More Valuable than SEO Dominating the front page of Google is nice, but it isn’t nearly as valuable as having a strong brand. Of course, few customers want to do business with companies that care more about writing content for search engine crawlers than them.

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Everyone is investing a lot of resources in content marketing these days. Many of them are doing so because they want to boost their organic search rankings with Google in an affordable way, and there’s nothing more cost effective than content marketing. Unfortunately, these brands are putting the cart before the horse, because they didn’t build a strong brand first.

There are a number of important reasons to use content marketing for branding rather than SEO. Check them out below.

Content Marketing for Branding Improves SEO

Your SERPs will be higher over the long-term if your content marketing strategy is focused on branding rather than SEO. Do you remember Suit101? It was basically a content farm with articles written by freelancers. These freelance writers got paid a percentage of the advertising revenue their articles generated.

Most of these freelancers took a very heavy-handed approach to SEO. They would always include multiple keywords on every article to try to generate as much organic search traffic as possible. For a while, Suite101 was one of the most profitable sites on the Internet. Then it got penalized for keyword spam and was forced to shut down.

Black hat and grey hat strategies like this may work for short periods of time, but they are ultimately destined…