Avoid the Silent Town Hall with Interactive Corporate Video

Avoid the Silent Town Hall with Interactive Corporate Video

For many employees, this is the only interaction they will get with the CEO. So, it’s extremely important these corporate video events run flawlessly and are optimized for employee engagement. Why do Town Halls fail? Employees expect that, but it doesn’t usually inspire audience participation. The next Town Hall comes around, and the same thing happens. We’ve seen that including interactive elements within your corporate video event can dramatically impact participation rates for exactly this reason. Live Q&As, live polls, feedback, and interactive agendas can all take a Town Hall from a broadcast to a true engagement tool. Interested in hearing more about how your Town Hall can be a success or want to see live Q&A in action? Join us for a Live webinar September 20th, Let’s Talk Live: How to Build the Live Stream Experience Your Audience Wants. Business Development Strategy: A... Why You Need to Include Video in Your Marketing... A Minimalist Guide to Simplifying Your... M&A Strategic Planning: Picking the Right...

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Workforces are rapidly decentralizing and getting more global by the minute. This creates even more need to employ new techniques to bring employees together and engage them with better communication tactics. One way to accomplish this feat is with corporate video. Hosting regular Town Hall live streams can bridge the distance gap, no matter where your employees are sitting.

Town Halls are typically hosted by the CEO as an update for the employees on the state of the company. For many employees, this is the only interaction they will get with the CEO. So, it’s extremely important these corporate video events run flawlessly and are optimized for employee engagement. Without participation, the Town Hall investment is lost.

Why do Town Halls fail?

Aside from technical failures (watch this video on-demand to learn how to properly prepare for a live event), Town Halls often fail to deliver authentic content. The CEO’s part is predictable and well-scripted. Employees expect that, but it doesn’t usually inspire audience participation. Following the presentation, there is the ceremonial Q&A.

“Let’s open the floor to questions,” the CEO says.


After an awkward silence that, without fail, goes on for far too long, the CEO says, “You sure there aren’t any questions?”

Webcast, September 27th: Stand Out in the Crowd: Top D.I.Y. PR Tactics for Growing Your Business

The Town…