Can In-Store Video Help Or Hurt The Customer Experience?

Can In-Store Video Help Or Hurt The Customer Experience?. Back-to-back articles on customer experience? You bet Sparky. Customer experience, or CX is pretty much everything today. And today retailers are finding that the new competitive landscape has nothing to do with price or even product selection. Instead, winning has become all about the customer experience. According to Deloitte, 62% of companies now see the customer experience as the key competitive differentiator. Video marketing has been pegged as one of the most engaging ways to create an effective customer experience, especially when more consumers state they like watching videos. According to Heidi Yu, CEO and Co-Founder of BoostInsider, an influencer marketing agency that works with over 80,000 influencers, including Kim Kardashian Hollywood, “Many consumers are drawn to videos that feature influencers that show them using a product or service and acknowledging the benefits, instantly improving the sense of customer experience for users that see those they admire enjoying it.” However, videos can also be a tough sell because the content can either draw a person in or completely turn them off. New In-Store Video Marketing for Supermarkets Assisting retailers with how to best leverage video advertising in places like supermarkets, Impax Media is offering solutions that can boost the overall in-store customer experience with digital video intended to draw in-store customers to their visual messaging.

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Back-to-back articles on customer experience? You bet Sparky. Customer experience, or CX is pretty much everything today. There, I said it.

And today retailers are finding that the new competitive landscape has nothing to do with price or even product selection. Instead, winning has become all about the customer experience. According to Deloitte, 62% of companies now see the customer experience as the key competitive differentiator. This focus has become so important that Gartner sees that over 50% of companies will put more of their overall investments into customer experience strategies and innovations by 2018.

Video marketing has been pegged as one of the most engaging ways to create an effective customer…