Content Marketing Resolutions: A #CMWorld Chat with Stephanie Stahl

Content Marketing Resolutions: A #CMWorld Chat with Stephanie Stahl. We were also joined by special guest, Stephanie Stahl, General Manager of Content Marketing Institute. Plan, plan, and plan Chat participants agreed: one way to keep resolutions on track is by having a solid plan. Having a plan helps marketers focus on milestones and manage tasks consistently. Even though nothing goes exactly as planned, it’s important to have this documented. #CMWorld — Mary Becker (@marylizbecker) January 10, 2017 A1: be more intentional with setting goals and intentions for each piece of content, including emails as content! #CMWorld — David McGuire (@McGuireDavid) January 10, 2017 Always be learning With an ever-changing business, marketers need to be introduced to new skills and emerging strategies. How to work with people who don’t always “get it” #cmworld — James Ellis (@thewarfortalent) January 10, 2017 A7) I’m always refining my design skills. It’s a lifelong learning process. What content marketing resolutions did you make this year?

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Did you make a new year’s resolution for 2017?

While many people vow to lose weight or get out of debt, marketers tend to have a whole host of resolutions specific to their work lives.

To avoid falling flat, we asked our #CMWorld Twitter community to share what goals they are pursuing and how they plan to stick with their resolutions. We were also joined by special guest, Stephanie Stahl, General Manager of Content Marketing Institute. What follows is advice they had to help see your content marketing resolutions through and make some long-term changes at the office. To gather more insight from our community, check out our Storify from the chat.


Plan, plan, and plan

Chat participants agreed: one way to keep resolutions on track is by having a solid plan. In fact, our latest research finds 61% of the most effective B2B marketers are those who have a documented strategy. Having a plan helps marketers…