Giving Thanks: What the TopRank Marketing Team is Thankful For

Giving Thanks: What the TopRank Marketing Team is Thankful For

For the TopRank Marketing team, it seems that every day is Thanksgiving. So, in the spirit of TopRank Marketing tradition, I’ve asked team members to share what they’re most thankful for in work and in life. I am also incredibly thankful for the amazing influencers and experts that I’ve gotten to work with and learn from over the past few years. It’s also a blessing to work in an ever-changing industry that keeps me learning and growing. I am also thankful for the many industry influencers we have had the good fortune to work with in and outside of the marketing world over the past year. Thank you, Team TopRank! Tiffani Allen Senior Account Manager I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to do work I love, with amazing clients and an incredible team. I get to learn something new every day from a team of people who are some of the smartest and most creative minds in the industry. It was also a year of new beginnings, as March saw my start with the excellent team at TopRank Marketing, and the honor of getting to work with Lee Odden, who I’ve known since 2007. I’m also thankful for the the amazing clients we work with who allow us push the creative boundaries.

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TopRank Marketing Gives Thanks

For centuries, Thanksgiving has been an American tradition, bringing families and friends together for a day of feasting, gratitude, and—most importantly, in my opinion—unity.

For the TopRank Marketing team, it seems that every day is Thanksgiving.

Each day, I have the privilege to see team members engaging and laughing. I see huddling and collaborating as everyone works hard to do their best work to not only drive results for our clients, but also lift themselves and other team members up. I see constant praise for good work or lending a helping hand. I see unity.

TopRank Marketing Team Gives Back

So, in the spirit of TopRank Marketing tradition, I’ve asked team members to share what they’re most thankful for in work and in life. Here’s what many had to say.

What We’re Most Thankful For

Ashley Zeckman
Senior Director of Digital Strategy

Ashley Zeckman

I feel very honored and fortunate to be a part of the TopRank Marketing family. Each day I get the opportunity to learn from this amazing group that I consider to be some of the smartest people I know. I am thankful that this team took a chance on me all those years ago and has helped me grow into what I think is literally the coolest job on the planet.

I am also incredibly thankful for the amazing influencers and experts that I’ve gotten to work with and learn from over the past few years. Thank you for everything that you do!

Lastly, I am thankful for my supportive friends, family, partner in crime Keith and my precious pets.

Josh Nite
Senior Content Marketing Manager

Josh Nite

I’m thankful for our amazing design team. They really bring the content to life. When we do working sessions together, we always end up with something better than either of us could come up with solo.

I love how they’re always exploring new ways to level up the content, like adding movement or interactive features.

Debbie Friez
Influencer Marketing Strategist

As I approach my fourth anniversary at TopRank Marketing, I am so very thankful that I went up to Lee Odden and told him I wanted to work for him at a conference! It’s been a great opportunity to collaborate with the great minds I call my colleagues and friends.

It’s also a blessing to work in an ever-changing industry that keeps me learning and growing. I appreciate the company’s dedication to professional development, so I can have time to learn and share with my clients.

I’m most thankful for amazing clients who allow us to share our expertise and elevate their campaigns.

Lastly, thank you to all my team members who allow me to bring in and display all my Santa Bears to spread some holiday cheer each season.

Lee Odden

Lee Odden

The most important and valuable part of a company in the services business are its people. I am incredibly thankful for the smart, creative and results-focused people that make up the TopRank Marketing teams including Content, Social Influence, Design, Analytics, SEO and Operations. From being adaptable to innovations in the marketplace to being transparent about capabilities, goals and opportunities, I know I can count on our team to understand both the big picture of the solutions we deliver and the tactical problem solving needed on a day to day basis for successful marketing programs. Creating an environment where our team can reach their full potential is truly a team effort and I appreciate our executives and leaders for working to…