Here’s how to put experiential marketing to work for you. Small businesses and nonprofits are a perfect match for this type of thing. Lots of companies have been getting into crowdsourced marketing materials for a while now, including major names like Airbnb. Doubly important, it puts the people being marketed to in the shoes of Airbnb’s previous customers, who can share photos, videos, anecdotes and more about their trips and adventures. It’s great marketing material for the company, but it also increases customer loyalty, making them feel more closely knit. Offer workshops and classes in your area Every small business is staffed with people who have talents and passions – whether it’s directly or only somewhat related to the work you do. Maybe you can create the impression of a live event. When Sculpteo wanted to show the world what its 3D printer could do, it put together a road trip to perform a test on its newest creation: one of the world’s first 3D-printed, fully functional bicycles. Brands can create memories too, not just products Research published by Freeman indicates two things about marketing in 2018 and beyond: A majority of marketers today believe that offering experiences is key to creating lasting relationships with consumers. Maybe it’s time your company got started creating some potential memories of its own.

Think again. Now that we’re judging the success of marketing on whether or not it creates an engaging experience, and not just on whether it results in a sale, the playing field is effectively leveled.
Customers are willing to demonstrate their loyalty to whichever brand promises a more interesting time, in addition to a superior product.
For a start, the allure of this kind of marketing strategy is that it scratches a very particular itch, and one that younger generations of customers seem to have in spades: the desire to spend money on experiences, rather than solely on material products.
For large corporations and small businesses alike, this has proven to be a double-edged sword: Experienced-focused customers can be brand-loyal for a long time if you keep them interested. However, it also raises the stakes considerably.
So, how can a small business get in on this phenomenon? Here’s how to put experiential marketing to work for you.
Throw a party, host or sponsor an event
One of the best ways to create an experience for your customers and recent converts will never forget is to host a local event. Consider things like a pop-up sale, street fair or live music.
Small businesses and nonprofits are a perfect match for this type of thing. Your company could partner with a community organization, charity or food pantry to put together a mutually beneficial community concert, potluck, ice cream social, charitable dance or something else entirely. You could even adopt a stretch of highway or get involved in another type of humanitarian project in your area. Encourage local participation, with or without incentives like discounts on your products or services, with entry into regular prize drawings.
Strategic, and also pro-social, partnerships like these are a great way to create memorable one-off or recurring experiences that let you do some good while also boosting brand recognition for your company.
Incorporate your customers into your marketing efforts
What better way to create an experience for would-be customers than to use the experiences – and the enthusiasm – of your existing ones?
Lots of companies have been getting into crowdsourced marketing materials for a while now, including major names like Airbnb. However, the concept can readily apply to businesses of any kind and size. In Airbnb’s case, their “Stories From the Community” series does double-duty: It’s a transparent way to market to people who might not have any experience using Airbnb’s services, or even know what the concept entails.
Doubly important, it puts the people being marketed to in the shoes of Airbnb’s previous customers, who can share photos, videos, anecdotes and more about their trips and adventures. It’s great marketing material for the company, but it also increases customer loyalty, making them feel more closely knit. It helps potential customers easily envision adventures and experiences of their own.
Offer workshops and classes in your area
Every small business is staffed with people who have talents and passions – whether it’s directly or only somewhat related to the work you…