How To Transform Your Blog Titles From Meh To Irresistible

How To Transform Your Blog Titles From Meh To Irresistible

Your blog post titles are just as important, if not more, than your content. Readers will look at your blog post title and decide whether they want to invest their time into reading the rest of the article or not. In this article, we will be focusing on how to write blog post titles that are creative, appealing, and attention-grabbing while not promising anything that your blog content can’t deliver. Here are 5 things to remember when writing a click-worthy blog post title that your readers will find irresistible. Keep it short and simple Another way of writing a headline is to ask yourself, “How would I explain this blog post to a friend in just six words?” Using the same example above, notice how the blog post title is limited to six words. Make it a habit to limit your blog post titles to a number of words. It arouses readers’ curiosity while still offering the answer to the question “what’s in it for me?” It’s easy to create controversial and sensationalized blog post titles – if you’re running a tabloid, that is, but let’s not dismiss the fact that we can still learn a thing or two from them. Because their content doesn’t support and give justice to their overly sensationalized headlines, readers feel like they’ve been tricked into reading the whole article. The blog post title underpromised yet over-delivered in the content. Guest author: Kristoffer Canimo has developed the love for writing headlines while he was the editor-in-chief of their newspaper back in high school.

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How To Transform Your Blog Titles From Meh To Irresistible

Your blog post titles are just as important, if not more, than your content. Readers will look at your blog post title and decide whether they want to invest their time into reading the rest of the article or not.

As a writer myself, there’s nothing more frustrating than crafting a well-researched, thought-provoking article only to find it goes unappreciated, un-tweeted, and un-shared in the deepest and darkest pit of the Internet.

Before we deep dive into writing blog post titles that lure and engage visitors, let’s not confuse click-worthy headlines with clickbait. Sure, they are creative, but clickbait headlines are overly sensationalized and only meant to get clicks – not engagement or trust.

In this article, we will be focusing on how to write blog post titles that are creative, appealing, and attention-grabbing while not promising anything that your blog content can’t deliver. You want to keep your readers happy and satisfied – from the title to the content and down to the last point.

Here are 5 things to remember when writing a click-worthy blog post title that your readers will find irresistible.

1. Focus on one central idea and stick with it

A great blog post title must contain one (or two) fundamental pieces of information your article seeks to answer. Going back to Journalism 101, your headline should answer the 5Ws and H – what, where, when, why, who, and how.

The article Why Jon Snow Needs To Die focuses on two important questions, namely the who (Jon Snow) and the why (why he needs to die). I don’t know about you, but I am a die-hard Game of Thrones fanatic, and I’d gladly click on this link should I happen to stumble upon it on Facebook.

2. Keep it short and simple

Another way of writing a headline is to ask yourself, “How would I explain this blog post to a friend in just six words?”

Using the same example above, notice how the blog post title is limited to six words. In my journalism class back in college, we had this acronym – as a joke, though not entirely – KISS, which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.

Make it a habit to limit your blog post titles to a number of words. Try five, or seven, or eight words. It doesn’t matter. Strict boundaries and limits often allow us to get more creative and force us to think outside the box.

3. Help readers solve their problems

Google has allowed us the venue to find fast answers to urgent questions. According to Moz, here’s how users interact with search engines like Google: