Introducing GoVHS, Vidyard’s Most Innovative Product!

Getting your message across today can be very bland and sterile. White background, black font and well, just no heart. To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video Why Did We Create GoVHS? Retro is coming back. We quickly got to work planning, creating, and producing our latest product offering, GoVHS. We took a look at the industry and noticed there a huge gap in the camcorder space, no one was offering VHS tapes, camcorders, or fluorescent tube televisions. GoVHS makes it quick and easy to record personal home movies for your audience in as little as 2 hours. Set up your camcorder on a sturdy tripod, insert a VHS tape and press record. When filming is complete don’t forget to write your recipient’s name on the tape, and add stickers, to make your video even more personable. Pricing & Availability GoVHS is not available until April 1st, 2018!

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Getting your message across today can be very bland and sterile. White background, black font and well, just no heart. It really lacks flair and creativity. This new age of digital communication is only going to get noisier and we knew now was the time to take a step back, get personal and be seen. That’s why on April 1st 2018 we are introducing Vidyard GoVHS.

Why Did We Create GoVHS?

Retro is coming back. Look at Vinyl sales—they’re booming! 90’s fashion is hip and Full House is back on. Our team was spending all this time trying to think new but really, we needed to think retrospectively.

One of our team members was recently visiting his parents when he came across the old family camcorder. It suddenly hit him—what’s more personal than creating and sharing a home movie with your audience?
