Lights, Camera, Action! Video Production 101

Lights, Camera, Action! Video Production 101

Back in the day, we used to have brick and mortar retail stores, where organizations were able to connect with people on a personal level. They would have two minutes to market their products in person—we don’t have that luxury anymore. With prospects moving towards an “If I can’t see “it” then “it” doesn’t exist” mentality, and brick and mortar stores fading away, how do organizations connect with prospects on a personal level? How do they cut through the noise of all the other offers out there to prove that “it” exists? With Video! We are going to talk about how you can insource your video production and use the talent inside your own four walls to shoot fantastic video content, on a budget! Let’s take a look at four different budgets and the options/tools within them that will ensure you’re able to produce excellent video content: Beginner Gear Under $200 Very portable and cost effective, with the ability to shoot great interview style videos I know what some of you will say “woah, a smartphone is NOT for shooting real videos,” but I am here to tell you that it most certainly is. You can shoot 1080p, 4k, and 360-degree videos with a smartphone. You can also shoot different frame rates—including the ever-popular slow-mo video. Guerilla Gear Under $1000 Mobile and super portable, allowing you to shoot a variety of higher quality videos Prosumer Gear Under $4000 A step above smartphone cameras, with more versatility in the types of video you can create Professional Gear $8,000 + For organizations with video studios/professional video teams to shoot large-scale productions So now that you know what gear you should consider picking up, and how affordable in-house video production can be (at any budget), dive deeper into the topic of video production and learn about composition, audio selection, framing, and more in our latest webinar “Video Production 101.” Have some tips or tricks for building a video library on a budget?

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Back in the day, we used to have brick and mortar retail stores, where organizations were able to connect with people on a personal level. They would have two minutes to market their products in person—we don’t have that luxury anymore.

With prospects moving towards an “If I can’t see “it” then “it” doesn’t exist” mentality, and brick and mortar stores fading away, how do organizations connect with prospects on a personal level? How do they cut through the noise of all the other offers out there to prove that “it” exists?

With Video!

According to Google, almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to products or services before visiting a site/store, and by 2019, 80% of the world’s internet traffic will be video. With statistics like that, and information pouring in about the overwhelming success of using video, why are so many organizations still not building out video libraries?

The conversation around…