The Best of the Best: 2016 Video Marketing Awards

So, across 9 categories, and 9 extraordinary companies doing great things with video, here are your 2016 Video Marketing Award winners! The videos were the most shared and the most viewed assets Lenovo commercial marketing had ever produced. To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video With nearly 30% of all individuals who opened the email clicking through to watch their video, the personalized video campaign resulted in a 10x increase in click-through rate compared to their average marketing campaigns. The end goal was to give their sales team powerful tools to help better engage key prospects and move them through the funnel faster. Integrating Vidyard into their video process and Eloqua instance has given MongoDB the power to leverage video across product launches, sales enablement, and customer marketing campaigns, proving this is only the first of many campaigns. Small Business, Big Bang – Terminus When Terminus, an account-based marketing platform, first started using Vidyard and video in 2015, account-based marketing was just a buzzword for B2B marketers. Sangram and his team have produced eight customer video testimonials this year, with four more in production. Sales development reps have also started producing their own personalized videos to use in outreach. Tradeshift is using video content throughout every aspect of the buyer’s journey to increase click-through and conversion rates, increase time-on-page and engagement time, improve email marketing click-through rates and generate net-new leads. With the ability to generate customized videos on the fly to educate inbound leads on their products, then track their engagement in their marketing automation platform, Deltek is taking the next step to automate lead qualification and improve the efficiency of their inside sales team by focusing on the most engaged leads.

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Winners of 2016 Video Marketing Awards Announced at Viewtopia
Voice Search: What Small Business Owner’s and Marketers Need to Know

Marketing can be a bit of a thankless job. It’s not every day someone emails you to say ‘thank you’ for the campaign you’ve run, or the video you’ve made. Sometimes the only indication you have that things are going well is opens, clicks, and video views. And that’s why we created the Video Marketing Awards.
All campaigns take effort, but really great video usually goes above and beyond. It takes passion, creativity, resourcefulness, and a whole lot of hard work to make awesome video content, and we believe that marketers producing great video deserve to be recognized. At Viewtopia, the Video Marketing Summit held in San Francisco November 9-10, one of the biggest themes to emerge from all of the talks, keynotes and sessions was companies using video more than ever, and bringing more and more of that video production in-house.
So, across 9 categories, and 9 extraordinary companies doing great things with video, here are your 2016 Video Marketing Award winners!

Video Marketing Campaign of the Year – Lenovo & Traction

Before engaging marketing creative agency, Traction, to create compelling content for their business customers, Lenovo’s marketing efforts had primarily consisted of bottom-of-funnel tactics. With the launch of the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 12 Ultrabook, an all in one laptop and tablet, the brand hoped to broaden its exposure to a larger audience than they had currently been marketing to and re-engage dormant customers. Lenovo also needed to ensure the results of this campaign made it into Eloqua, their Marketing Automation Platform.
Rather than dropping buzzwords and generic marketing, Lenovo opted to speak to customers on a level they could relate to, and used entertainment as an education platform. Looking at how IT teams typically deal with technology, they discovered that end users tend to put wear and tear on their equipment in ways no-one could imagine.
Thus, the “Users Happen” campaign was born. The campaign played out in the form of five videos, and a series of four tongue-in-cheek illustrated “Survival Guides” for IT viewers to enjoy and commiserate over.

Lenovo saw an immediate lift in video completion rates from 70%
to 96%—a clear signal that the campaign was working. Plus,
engagement soared with a 400% lift over previous benchmarks.

The videos were the most shared and the most viewed assets
Lenovo commercial marketing had ever produced.

Best Personalized Video Campaign – Reltio

Reltio was looking for a new way to build awareness and drive
interest in its flagship product via a top-of-funnel awareness
campaign. They also needed a video solution that tied engagement
data from this top-of-funnel material to Act-On, their Marketing
Automation Platform. Recognizing the potential of personalized
video, they launched a targeted campaign to more than 10,000 leads
to increase awareness and identify their most engaged

With nearly 30% of all individuals who opened the email clicking
through to watch their video, the personalized video campaign
resulted in a 10x increase in click-through rate compared to their
average marketing campaigns.

Reltio is now planning their next personalized video campaign to
keep the ball rolling after this immense success.

Best Use of Video for Sales Prospecting or ABM – MongoDB

In 2016, MongoDB wanted to create more customer testimonials to
highlight their stories and showcase the impact that MongoDB could
have on their customers’ organizations. They decided to pick the
most impactful stories and publish high-quality video testimonials
with those customers. MongoDB doesn’t have a massive marketing
team, or a big budget, so everyone chipped in to make the campaign
happen. The end goal was to give their sales team powerful tools to
help better engage key prospects and move them through the funnel
faster. They also needed a system that integrated with Eloqua,
their Marketing Automation Platform.

To make their video series happen, MongoDB flew their video team
around the world from Chicago to Berlin, capturing inspirational
stories at every stop. The videos were released over 12 weeks, and
are now evergreen content that they can leverage across digital
platforms and in email campaigns.

The results spoke for themselves: happy sales people, and more
engaged prospects. As an added bonus, the content is also a useful
onboarding tool for new sales reps who are trying to understand how
customers use MongoDB. Integrating Vidyard into their video process
and Eloqua instance has given MongoDB the power to leverage video
across product launches, sales enablement, and customer marketing
campaigns, proving this is only the first of many campaigns.

Best Online Video Presence for a B2B Brand – SolarWinds

Video is a key…