Tony Robbins’s Social Media Director Shares His Marketing Tips

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mark Fidelman of Fanatics Media meets with Tony Robbins's social media director Tyler Culbertson. To start off, Culbertson explains how to measure a marketing strategy in terms of dollars and ROI. To do so, it's important to understand your desired outcome -- do you want to sell a product online? Do you want to reach a certain audience? Once you figure this out, you'll be able to create suitable calls-to-action that will help you measure and track sales and channels. When it comes to a brand's story, it's vital to create brand guidelines. From typography to color scheme to stock photography, maintaining consistency and an integrated look is vital. To learn more marketing tips from Tony Robbins's social guru, click play on the video above. Watch more videos from the folks at Fanatics Media on their YouTube channel here. We provide expertise and opportunities to accelerate brand growth and effectively monetize video and audio content distributed across all digital platforms for the business genre.

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4 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of Video Marketing

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mark Fidelman of Fanatics Media meets with Tony Robbins’s social media director Tyler Culbertson.

To start off, Culbertson explains how to measure a marketing strategy in terms of dollars and ROI. To do so, it’s important to understand your desired outcome — do you want to sell a product online? Do you want to reach a certain audience? Once you figure this out, you’ll be able to create suitable calls-to-action that will help you measure and track sales and channels.

When it comes to a brand’s story, it’s vital…