Troubleshoot Your Social Media Marketing with These 5 Questions

Troubleshoot Your Social Media Marketing with These 5 Questions

However, not all businesses are equally successful in their social media marketing campaigns. So your social media marketing campaigns should offer your audience an experience that is specifically created for them. My friend, if you want your social media marketing campaigns to move the needle, you should write social media posts in a language that your audience speaks. 3- Are You Posting at the Right Time? What’s the best time to post on social media? 4- Are You Doing Social Listening For effective social media marketing, you need to create campaigns that are designed considering your audience and competitors. Social listening will help you know what your audience is talking about your brand and what your competitors are doing on social media. Choose the right social media tools to run your social media marketing campaigns. You should create a social media marketing persona and design your social media marketing campaigns in your audience’s language, considering what your competitors are doing. And posting content with the help of the right social media tool is also important to secure success.

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With more than 4.021 billion users worldwide, social media has become a necessity for businesses of all sizes. So you should not ignore it thinking that you’re a new player in your industry and social media is for medium and large organizations. In fact, social media, if used strategically, can be a leading growth driver for businesses that just started out.

However, not all businesses are equally successful in their social media marketing campaigns. If you are struggling in getting the desired return on investment (ROI) of your social media marketing campaigns, the help is here.

In today’s article, I’m going to share how you can troubleshoot your social media marketing campaigns to boost success.

Without further ado, let’s dive in:

1- Have You Created Social Media Marketing Personas?

We are living in the age of personalization, and all of us want personalized experience online. So your social media marketing campaigns should offer your audience an experience that is specifically created for them. But how can you hit the bullseye when you are targeting thousands of followers on social media?

The answer is social media marketing personas that provide a proverbial face to your audience on social media, helping you offer customized social media experience.

You need to collect the following information about your audience to create social media marketing persona:

  • Age/location/gender
  • Income/spending power
  • Pain points/frustrations
  • Personality traits
  • Goals/objections
  • Brands they support

To collect the above information, you can run online surveys or quizzes and ask for data from your customer support department.

2- Are You Speaking Your Audience’s Language?

David Ogilvy said,

If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular.

My friend, if you want your social media marketing campaigns to move the needle, you should write social media posts in a language that your audience speaks….