Why you should use Explainer Videos to Pitch Services

Why you should use Explainer Videos to Pitch Services

Why you should use Explainer Videos to Pitch Services. Video does a better job engaging the viewer simply because you connect to them through more than one sense at once. Then you can use the time you have left to answer questions or talk about specifics instead of pitching from zero. It’s a good idea to keep it on your phone.That way, if you’re at a networking event, you can take it out of your pocket and let the video work its magic. Of course, it helps to do certain things to help widen its reach, but it can also be spread organically by people who want to share it because it’s relevant to them. Facebook and Google are a great help in this way simply because their engines love videos and rank this kind of content more highly. My clients used to say, “When I try to explain my product, everyone starts yawning.” But that’s not your product’s fault. Instead, what you need to do is create a story that communicates your product in an engaging way. Find more reasons to use explainer videos for your business here. Have you already tested using explainer videos to pitch your product or service?

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explainer videos

There is no doubt today that video is the most effective form of communication. Just looking at how video content engagement is growing exponentially on social media confirms it.

If you think the guys at Facebook know what they’re doing, consider the weight they’ve given to native videos over other content. That is to say, if you upload your own video files directly to Facebook, they’ll rank it higher, resulting in even more views than it would receive on YouTube.

Short story: I learned the concrete power of video when one of my clients called from a conference where he was pitching to 100 potential clients, right after playing the explainer video I had made for him. “Hi Agus! People are still clapping and I haven’t even said a word about the product yet! Thanks!”

We are not talking about being trendy or using new technologies just because. To be clear: VIDEOS GET RESULTS, creating measurable Return On Investments for your business. You can read some of our clients’ success stories here to confirm this.

That said, I want to share what I think are the top reasons to use explainer videos to pitch your services:


Video appeals to more than one human sense at a time, creating more stimulation than text, images, or sounds can alone. Video does a better job engaging the viewer simply because you connect to them through more than one sense at once.

This makes the message easier to understand and more likely to be remembered. The latter is something designers call “pregnancy” when we talk about brands.


Just like my client did in his presentation before potential clients, you can simply press play and leave the video do its job. Then you can use the time you have left to answer questions or talk about specifics instead of pitching from zero.

Explainer videos can also be used to sell even when you’re not there in…