5 Signs Your Marketing Program Needs Licensed Content

5 Signs Your Marketing Program Needs Licensed Content

Licensed content, also referred to as “syndicated content” or “third-party content,” is an effective, strategic tool for your content marketing program. The content is rights-cleared and ready to be published to your hub. Your content marketing program needs more… well, content. Across our network of clients, licensed content has a higher article engagement rate than original content (although a fully optimized program relies on both types of content to drive full-funnel conversions). To test licensed content in action, we launched a two-month pilot with a customer who operated a rich, B2B site that only had original articles. You need more data about what your customers want. What tone are prospects and customers responding to? Savvy marketers know that even in the B2B world, prospects are rarely scrolling social media looking for brand information. A strong conversion and nurture strategy then utilizes a combination of licensed and original content to pull potential customers down into your funnel. Visit Licensed Content: The Definitive Guide for everything you need to know about driving marketing efficiency and effectiveness with syndicated content.

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Licensed content, also referred to as “syndicated content” or “third-party content,” is an effective, strategic tool for your content marketing program. Our Content Marketplace is a rich, diverse library of articles from authoritative publishers like Fast Company, CIO, Business Insider, FORTUNE, Cleveland Clinic, Forbes, Reuters and thousands more. The content is rights-cleared and ready to be published to your hub.

Here are five signs your marketing program would benefit from licensed content.

1. Your content marketing program needs more… well, content.

If you are only publishing a couple of articles a month, there is little reason for someone to return to your hub and explore. A steady publishing cadence keeps your site fresh and can fuel all your distribution channels: newsletters, social media, and even your sales team’s touchpoints with prospects. Licensed content can be curated, approved and published in hours — or even minutes— which is a welcome contrast to pitching and creating original content.

2. Your content hub is all about you.

If your content marketing is all “hard sell” and brand push, it will turn consumers at the top of their journey away. The solution is to bring in authoritative, unbiased content from respected publishers in your industry — whether it’s a trade publication discussing manufacturing trends or a leading site reviewing your product.

The publishers in our licensed content network are experts in what they cover, whether Bloomberg, Cleveland Clinic, FierceMedia, Food & Wine, or Pipeline & Gas Journal. Bringing their reporting into your content experience brings an authoritative, trusted voice with a fresh…