7 Digital Marketing Trends To Keep in Mind During 2017 [Infographic]

Author: Sara McGuire / Source: Business 2 Community Don’t you hate feeling out of the loop? We’re done with Q2 now, if you can believe it.

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Don’t you hate feeling out of the loop?

We’re done with Q2 now, if you can believe it. Writing an article about what trends to look out for in 2017 might seem a bit overdo. But for a lot of companies, particularly small companies and startups, Q1 can be largely spent collecting your bearings and strategizing for the coming year.

So at the onset of Q2, it doesn’t hurt to take stock of what the current digital marketing trends are. You might find you need to refocus your digital marketing strategy, especially if something wasn’t working in Q1.

1. Content marketing is still king. If you didn’t spend much time last year developing a solid content marketing strategy, it’s time to do that. When content is executed properly (both in its creation and distribution), it can result in massive returns for a brand.

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