20 Must-Attend Social Media Conferences in 2017

20 Must-Attend Social Media Conferences in 2017

20 Must-Attend Social Media Conferences in 2017. These conferences, ranging from one day to a week, promise talks from top social media experts, workshops on the latest social media strategies, networking opportunities with fellow marketers, and more. Social Media Camp (May 3-4, Victoria, British Columbia) Engage Prague (May 17-19, Prague) WistiaFest (June 11-13, Boston) VidCon (June 21-24, Anaheim) Content Marketing World (September 5-8, Cleveland) INBOUND (September 25-28, Boston) SpredFast Summit (October 2-4, Austin) PubCon (November 6-9, Las Vegas) 1. Social Media Marketing World 2017 is the largest social media marketing conference, by the largest social media marketing blog, Social Media Examiner. Social Media Strategies Summit April 26-28, Chicago Date: April 26-28, 2017 Location: Chicago, Illinois Price: Starting from $1,599 Social Media Strategies Summit has been running for seven years now. Corporate Social Media Summit June 15-16, New York Date: June 15-16, 2017 Location: Brooklyn, New York Price: Starting from $1,995 If you work in a big company, Corporate Social Media Summit might be the best one for you. There’ll also be a chance to be paired with one of the speakers, who would discuss and work through your social media strategies through breakout sessions. While it doesn’t focus purely on the marketing aspect of videos, I believe there’s a lot to learn about creating great videos and engaging your community. With an amazing speaker lineup of content marketing leaders, it promises to give you all the information you need to create and execute a content marketing plan (which could be essential for your social media marketing strategy). Social Tools Summit October 18, Boston Date: October 18, 2017 (as shared by the co-founder, Neal Schaffer) Location: Boston, Massachusetts Price: To be announced If you are a fan of social media tools, Social Tools Summit is made for you!

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Working on social media can be a little lonely at times, especially if you are working as a team of one.

Imagine being around like-minded people who understand your daily struggles and learning from top professionals in the marketing world. Maybe even doing this while on a vacation!

Social media conferences are the secret to all that. These conferences, ranging from one day to a week, promise talks from top social media experts, workshops on the latest social media strategies, networking opportunities with fellow marketers, and more.

Pro-tip: If you are traveling to any of these conferences, you could also turn it into a mini-vacation

Here’s a list of 20 top social media marketing conferences for 2017, with all the information you need to know such as data, location, and price.

If we’re missing your favorite social media marketing conference, it’d be awesome if you could share the details in the comments section to let others know about it.

Let’s jump right in…

Social Media Conferences
Social Media Conferences

The 20 Best Social Media Marketing Conferences of 2017

Here’s a quick overview of the top social media marketing conferences for the rest of 2017. This list is arranged chronologically. To see more details, click on the respective links.

  1. Social Media Camp (May 3-4, Victoria, British Columbia)
  2. Engage Prague (May 17-19, Prague)
  3. WistiaFest (June 11-13, Boston)
  4. VidCon (June 21-24, Anaheim)
  5. Content Marketing World (September 5-8, Cleveland)
  6. INBOUND (September 25-28, Boston)
  7. SpredFast Summit (October 2-4, Austin)
  8. PubCon (November 6-9, Las Vegas)

1. Social Media Marketing World

March 22-24, San Diego

Date: March 22-24, 2017

Location: San Diego, California

Price: $1,597 (Virtual tickets are $697 each.)

Social Media Marketing World 2017 is the largest social media marketing conference, by the largest social media marketing blog, Social Media Examiner. There will be more than 120 speakers and 3,000 fellow marketers at the conference, making it a great opportunity to learn from and connect with others. Our social media manager, Brian Peters, will be on a panel, discssuing Twitter promotion.

Sorry for the short notice about this amazing conference. If you are thinking of attending this conference next time, Social Media Examiner has released the dates and venue for the next two years — February 28 to March 2, 2018 and March 20 to March 22, 2019, both in San Diego at the San Diego Convention Center. Otherwise, you could also grab the virtual tickets and attend the conference online.

2. Social Media Conference for PR, Marketing and Corporate Communications

March 27-29, Orlando

Date: March 27-29, 2017

Location: Orlando, Florida

Price: Starting from $1,295 (Live webcast is available at $995.)

Apart from social media marketing, social media strategies for PR and internal communications are also on the agenda. If you want to get the most out of this conference, there are pre-conference workshops, such as Big 5 social media boot camp, you can sign up for. Here’s a bonus: this conference is held in the magical lands of Disney World.

3. Content Marketing Conference

April 11-13, Boston

Date: April 11-13, 2017

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Price: Starting from $1,249

With the mind-blowing amount of content being created daily, Content Marketing Conference wants to give you actionable tips and strategies to create great, engaging content. The talks will cover everything from planning, to creation, to optimization, to distribution and more.

4. Social Media Strategies Summit

April 26-28, Chicago

Date: April 26-28, 2017

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Price: Starting from $1,599

Social Media Strategies Summit has been running for seven years now. Apart from the conference in Chicago (SMSS Central), there will also be Social Media Strategies Summits in New York (SMSS East, October 17-19), Boston (Higher Education, November 2-3), and San Francisco (SMSS West, February 2018).

5. Social Media & Web Analytics Summit

April 26-27, San Francisco

Date: April 26-27, 2017

Location: San Francisco, California

Price: Starting at $1,695 (Recordings and slide decks are available at $600.)

This summit covers more than how to use social media but also how to measure and analyze your social media data to perform better. Besides this summit, the organizer, Innovation Enterprise, hosts more than a hundred webinars and summits on various topics each year.

6. Social Media Camp

May 3-4, Victoria, British Columbia

Date: May 3-4, 2017

Location: Victoria, British Columbia

Price: Starting at $599 (Digital tickets are at $97 each.)

Social Media Camp is Canada’s largest social media conference, and this year’s conference is its eighth annual event. On top of marketing discussions, there will be sessions on ethics, work-life balance, and security on social media. To help you make the most of the conference, there are SMCamp coaches (social media professionals in various industries), who would…