Mobile video is taking over — can your video marketing strategy keep up?

Mobile video is taking over — can your video marketing strategy keep up?

Mobile video is taking over — can your video marketing strategy keep up?. According to Animoto, four times as many consumers prefer to watch a video about a product rather than read descriptive content — and social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram have been very open about their “video-first” approach. However, according to WireBuzz, almost one-third of marketers admitted that a lack of an effective video marketing strategy prevented them from seeing more return on investment (ROI). Both 360-degree videos and virtual reality (VR) offer new opportunities to turn consumers into brand advocates. Be in the moment Live video tends to demonstrate higher engagement than traditional video and social media networks have been quick to react accordingly. Facebook noted that people spend three times as long watching Facebook Live videos compared to recorded video, so the company updated its algorithm in March 2016 to prioritize live content. Keep it short and sweet Research shows a correlation between video length and engagement — according to Invisia, 45 percent of viewers will stop watching a video after 1 minute, and 60 percent will stop after 2 minutes. Optimize for busy, on-the-go smartphone users As more brands embrace mobile video, consumers are becoming increasingly selective — rewarding brands who offer them a high-quality experience, and dismissing those who don’t. Video marketing analytics can be challenging, since different social networks rely on different metrics. Do viewers who watch certain videos buy more often?

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It’s no secret mobile video is beginning to dominate digital content. According to Animoto, four times as many consumers prefer to watch a video about a product rather than read descriptive content — and social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram have been very open about their “video-first” approach. Developing a strategy based on stories in motion opens up exciting new opportunities for brands, as video has an unparalleled ability to promote brand awareness and recall, go viral and directly affect sales.

However, according to WireBuzz, almost one-third of marketers admitted that a lack of an effective video marketing strategy prevented them from seeing more return on investment (ROI). So, what makes a successful video marketing strategy?

Video marketing effectiveness by channel
video marketing effectiveness by channel

Invest in 360-degree videos and virtual reality

Digital marketing is a technological arms race, so it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Both 360-degree videos and virtual reality (VR) offer new opportunities to turn consumers into brand advocates.

In a case study conducted by digital marketing agency Magnifyre, 360-degree video outperformed traditional video in terms of views, completion, cost per impression (CPM) and click-through rate (CTR). Average percentage viewed for these videos was 28.81 percent higher, and twice as many viewers watched the video to completion, despite the same copy, ad spend and content produced.

This trend is set to continue, with forward-thinking brands such as Audi, McDonald’s and the Marriott Hotel all leveraging VR to inspire consumers.

Be in the moment

Live video tends to demonstrate higher engagement than traditional video and social media networks have been quick to react accordingly. Facebook noted that people spend three times as long watching Facebook Live videos compared to recorded video, so the company updated its algorithm in March 2016 to prioritize live content. As a result, live-streaming provides brands with a unique level of organic reach on…