4 Lesser-Known Customer-Review Platforms You Need to Know About

4 Lesser-Known Customer-Review Platforms You Need to Know About

4 Lesser-Known Customer-Review Platforms You Need to Know About. According to Nielsen's Global Trust in Advertising report, 84 percent of consumers surveyed said they trust recommendations from friends and family over anything else when they research brands. Sure, customers can use Yelp and Amazon reviews to learn more about products or services. Trustpilot Trustpilot is a community-driven platform that spans 65 countries. By collecting customer feedback, Trustpilot uses search engines to publicize satisfaction ratings. GetFiveStars Get Five Stars allows brands to get better insights on third-party opinions by helping those brands keep close tabs on their customers' experiences. Get Five Stars automates the entire customer feedback process, capturing things like testimonials, online reviews and their Net Promoter Scores The automation involved starts with a customized email encouraging customer feedback after an interaction. The customers that give high ratings are encouraged to review the business on one of the bigger sites such as Yelp or TripAdvisor, so the brand gets more exposure. does, however, encourage businesses to communicate information about their new products so it can provide its expert opinion. The rationale for this type of review platform is that it leaves the content creation in the hands of the expert customer (themselves).

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4 Lesser-Known Customer-Review Platforms You Need to Know About

Have you ever been offered store credit or coupons to leave a positive Yelp review? You’re not alone.

Customer reviews have always been vital to an online reputation. As the internet and ecommerce grow even more, most consumers won’t even consider spending their money on a brand they can’t find reviews on.

According to Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising report, 84 percent of consumers surveyed said they trust recommendations from friends and family over anything else when they research brands. Yet even with that being said, it’s tough for businesses to know how to leverage all those faithful reviewers and their valuable user-generated content.

Sure, customers can use Yelp and Amazon reviews to learn more about products or services. However, there are many other review sites out there that might work just as well for your business and customers alike, across a bunch of different industries.

Let’s examine some of the cool (but lesser known) customer review platforms on the market.

Word of mouth has been (and always will be) one of the best, and most trusted, forms of advertisement. Modern Comment embraces this fact by providing businesses with a social media marketing platform that allows them to promote the reviews they receive well beyond their current customer base.

The site starts by sending an email to customers containing a link to request feedback. Then, customers are provided with incentives to take mobile-friendly surveys specific to the industry; an example would be the opportunity to be entered to win a $100 prize Modern Comment sponsors.

The next step is where social media comes into play: the customer’s chances of winning that $100 increase if he or she posts that recommendation on a social media platform like Facebook and Twitter. This opens the door to widespread exposure for the business involved, as a good review can be shared with each customer’s unique community.

With this program, businesses can use their individual dashboard to examine, track and respond to all customer feedback, to ensure that the experience that they, the businesses, are providing…