A Complete Guide to 360° Video

A Complete Guide to 360° Video

Interesting Not Interesting Share Tweet With 360° video now available on all the big social media platforms (Facebook offered it in 2015, Twitter followed suit in 2016 while Vimeo and YouTube made in available in 2017) more and more businesses are getting in this tech space to create an immersive storytelling experience for their followers. Research by YuMe has shown that around a third of consumers are more likely to engage with an immersive video ad, while separate research from Advrtas shows 90% believe that video content is better in 360 than the traditional format. In this article, I want to look specifically at 360 video and how it is can be a relatively easier and less expensive format in which to produce high quality and engaging brand film compared to other immersive tech like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). With that in mind, let’s start by discussing the difference. Whilst there is no definitive right and wrong with this (VR can mean different things to different people after all) 360° video should be seen as a distinct field in the growing field of immersive video that also includes Augmented Reality (AR). How 360° Videos Works Producing 360° videos involves an advanced video recording process. More expensive to produce than traditional video formats. Without understanding this crucial factor, you may end up with your end users looking at the wrong direction when the story is happening in another direction. Step #3: Use the right camera A good 360° video does not need the most expensive camera out in the market. Make sure that the program you choose supports the file formats your camera produces and can deliver the results you want.

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With 360° video now available on all the big social media platforms (Facebook offered it in 2015, Twitter followed suit in 2016 while Vimeo and YouTube made in available in 2017) more and more businesses are getting in this tech space to create an immersive storytelling experience for their followers.

And consumers are just as hooked.

Research by YuMe has shown that around a third of consumers are more likely to engage with an immersive video ad, while separate research from Advrtas shows 90% believe that video content is better in 360 than the traditional format.

In this article, I want to look specifically at 360 video and how it is can be a relatively easier and less expensive format in which to produce high quality and engaging brand film compared to other immersive tech like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). With that in mind, let’s start by discussing the difference.

360° or VR?

It’s not uncommon for 360 video to get lumped into a broader category of virtual reality (VR). Whilst there is no definitive right and wrong with this (VR can mean different things to different people after all) 360° video should be seen as a distinct field in the growing field of immersive video that also includes Augmented Reality (AR).

As with anything new in the tech space, confusion tends to ensue especially with nomenclature — HD Radio does not mean the same as digital transmission; a semi-autonomous car does not actually mean real autonomy.

The same goes for 360° video and virtual reality. Whilst both are products of the evolution of video, VR format needs the aid of high-powered headgear and other accessories to truly experience what it has to offer.

360° videos, on the other hand, are simply photos or videos of a given environment, in which the viewer can swivel and move in three dimensions so as to create a more immersive and controllable experience. Unlike VR and AR though the viewer cannot influence the nature of the content and as such is still a passive observer.

How 360° Videos Works

Producing 360° videos involves an advanced video recording process. Videographers need to set up anywhere between six to 10 cameras aimed at different directions, making sure each location is accurately covered. Every camera should function during the recording, as a faulty one may ruin the entire footage. The most critical part is starting all cameras at the same time so the end result will be coherent.

Afterwards, the footage from each camera is then processed to create a 360° video.

Advantages of 360 Videos:

  • Immersive storytelling
  • Interactive video session between you and your end users, effectively grabbing their attention
  • Present your ideas, products or services (as in the case of construction sites, for example) in a way that will make it easier for your viewers to understand and appreciate.

Disadvantages of 360 Videos:

  • There is a lot of complexity involved in creating just one 360 video, especially managing the cameras from all angles and making sure each shot is accurate.
  • More expensive to produce than traditional video formats.

The Process of Creating 360 Videos

360° videos, as advantageous as they may be, involves a far more complicated process than shooting a location, editing it, and uploading it on YouTube. However, consider it like any other content format that you produce—you need to be strategic with its creation and promotion to further your brand’s goals.

Step #1: Set your goals

Riding on the popularity of this video format is not a good enough reason to actually do it.

You have to know why you need one (what outcome will it generate to your business?) and if your content will actually be…