Tubular Labs, VICE, BuzzFeed, and Group Nine Media Launch Global Video Measurement Alliance

Tubular Labs, VICE, BuzzFeed, and Group Nine Media Launch Global Video Measurement Alliance

Strategy Video Measurement Standards Tubular Labs, VICE, BuzzFeed, and Group Nine Media Launch Global Video Measurement Alliance Share on According to Cisco, 82% of all internet traffic will come from video traffic by 2022. That’s a lot of video content being consumed over the next several years, and it’s an exciting opportunity for brands, creators, agencies, and media companies around the world to join in on the video fun. But all that traffic brings up a huge problem: how in the world are we supposed to effectively plan for, execute with, and measure this explosion of video content? It may have worked in the past to build audiences based on hunches and some basic analytics, but that’s no longer the case, and certainly won’t hold up the larger the digital media industry gets. There must be a global standard for measuring content if brands and ad buyers want confidence in their reach and if publishers want to accurately measure, optimize, and demonstrate the value of their audiences to invest wisely in online video. As such, Tubular Labs is proud to announce its partnership with leading digital media publishers VICE, BuzzFeed, and Group Nine in a new initiative called the Global Video Measurement Alliance (GVMA). As the early members of this collaboration, these companies will work to establish a standard measurement for the global online video and digital media markets. Ultimately, the GVMA will set the standard for trusted intelligence around the world, so advertisers are certain their dollars are being spent well, so brands know they’re reaching the right people, and so media publishers can be sure they’re creating the best content possible. You can read more about this announcement via AdAge’s coverage of the initiative. Here’s to a more measured, informed, and prosperous video future!

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Strategy Video Measurement Standards Tubular Labs, VICE, BuzzFeed, and Group Nine Media Launch Global Video Measurement Alliance

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According to Cisco, 82% of all internet traffic will come from video traffic by 2022. That’s a lot of video content being consumed over the next several years, and it’s an exciting opportunity for brands, creators, agencies, and media companies around the world to join in on the video fun.

But all that traffic brings up a huge problem: how in the world are we supposed to effectively plan for, execute with, and measure this explosion of video content?

It may have worked in the past to build audiences based on hunches and some basic analytics, but that’s no longer…