Arm your Support Managers with Surefire Sound Bites

Arm your Support Managers with Surefire Sound Bites

Arm your Support Managers with Surefire Sound Bites. Unfortunately for customer success organizations, information unravels as it travels. How can you arm your success managers to deliver messages that include the right answer? Surefire sound bites are short, 1 to 3 minute videos where your best support leaders and managers record the perfect messaging to train CSMs on common scenarios. The Audio: The Video: To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video Surefire sound bites arm CSMs with the training they need to deliver better, more convincing, on-message support. To make use of them, however, you’ll have to make them actionable. Provide your customer success team a curated library of surefire sound bites that they can listen to over and over again, internalize, and repeat. Get it on video. So, what do you do the next time you see a spike in customers who claim they’re getting the wrong information from customer support managers? Arm your team with surefire sound bites.

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Unfortunately for customer success organizations, information unravels as it travels. The larger they are, the harder it is to keep everyone on-message, which is why many companies spend so much time on codifying processes. They write scripts, publish decks, train on scenarios, record and replay calls, and launch computer-based training platforms, and yet 44 percent of customers still report that they get the wrong information from support managers (CSMs).

How can you arm your success managers to deliver messages that include the right answer? With surefire sound bites.

Surefire sound bites are short, 1 to 3 minute videos where your best support leaders and managers record the perfect messaging to train CSMs on common scenarios. For example, do customers always ask for ‘a little extra’ during renewal? That’s a sound bite. Do users call complaining about your software when it’s their internet provider that’s to blame? That’s a soundbite. Any common scenario is fair game.

These videos should be quick and dirty—feel free to use a webcam or phone—but make sure that it’s recorded in the office during work hours when the video’s author is warmed-up and feeling inspired. That’s how you’ll capture the tonality, phrasing, and gestures that are critical to training.

You see, video has a major advantage over scripts, decks, and audio recordings. Viewers get to see the non-verbal communication that goes along with the words. This accounts for some 60 to 90 percent of the message if you believe the old studies, and it makes your training vastly more memorable.

Just see for yourself. Which of these is easier to follow?

The Text:

  • Customer: Seems pricey. Any way you can discount it?
  • CSM: We appreciate your business tremendously. That said, it looks like you’re only…