Digital Marketing News: SEO for Bing, Uncool Apps and Facebook’s Engagement Drop

Digital Marketing News: SEO for Bing, Uncool Apps and Facebook’s Engagement Drop

Digital Marketing News: SEO for Bing, Uncool Apps and Facebook’s Engagement Drop. Is it Worth Doing SEO for Bing? These Usage Stats May Surprise You [Infographic] In the SEO world we, unsurprisingly, hear about Google a lot. How much time have our collective SEOs devoted to Bing? Other findings from the report include Snapchat’s return to popularity with millennials and Facebook’s continued dominance of the mobile app market. Ad Age Facebook Engagement for Brands and Publishers Falls 20% In 2017 New research from Buzzsumo shows that Facebook’s engagement rate for brands and publishers fell by 20% so far in 2017. The study analyzed 880 million Facebook posts from brands and publishers and found that average engagements fell from 340 to 264 in the first half of this year. The results were similar for the US compared to the world at large. Return Path Google Introduces Video to Google Maps Listings Google has announced that they’ll soon be giving Local Guides the ability to upload video with an android device — allowing users to start seeing videos on Google Maps listings. MarketingProfs 40% of Consumers Want Emails From Brands to Be Less Promotional and More Informative A new study from Adobe found that 40% of consumers wants brands to be more informational than promotional in their emails — however, 61% would rather receive promotional emails from brands vs. other tactics like direct mail or social media.

3 Steps for Leveraging Explainer Videos with Sales Emails
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Is it Worth Doing SEO for Bing? These Usage Stats May Surprise You [Infographic]
In the SEO world we, unsurprisingly, hear about Google a lot. How much time have our collective SEOs devoted to Bing? With more than 5 billion searches per month and 59 million users, it’s time for us all to take notice. This infographic outlines some interesting usage stats about Bing. Social Media Today

New Report: Millennials Hate Apps With Uncool Design
A new Comscore report shows that logos matter to millennials, and that they’re eager to delete apps from their phone if they don’t like how they look on their screen. Other findings from the report include Snapchat’s return to popularity with millennials and Facebook’s continued dominance of the mobile app market. Ad Age

Facebook Engagement for Brands and Publishers Falls 20% In 2017
New research from Buzzsumo shows that Facebook’s engagement rate for brands and publishers fell by 20% so far in 2017. The study analyzed 880 million Facebook posts from brands and publishers and found that average engagements fell from 340 to 264 in the first half of this year. Buzzsumo

2017 Deliverability Benchmark Report
A study from Return…