Facebook will let companies map online browsing to real-world sales

Facebook will let companies map online browsing to real-world sales

Author: Blair Hanley Frank / Source: CIO Credit: Martyn Williams Retailers who want to know what brought people to shop in their physica

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Credit: Martyn Williams

Retailers who want to know what brought people to shop in their physical retail stores have a new tool to try. Facebook has revised its analytics tools for businesses to show how user behavior online translates into brick-and-mortar purchases.

The new capability entered open beta Tuesday as part of updates Facebook made to its Analytics product for developers. Previously called Analytics for Apps, it’s designed to be an all-in-one tool for helping businesses understand user behavior across mobile apps, websites, Messenger bots and the big blue social network.

Facebook already offered businesses a set of different analytics for measuring user behavior, but this launch brings the tools into one service. In order to use the purchase tracking service, companies have to upload their transaction data to Facebook’s servers, which is then used to determine how purchasing matches up with online activity.

Connecting online and offline behavior is something that retailers have been looking for as advertising and commerce have increasingly moved online.

“This is really interesting because it connects [information about consumers] from the store to online,” Gartner Research Vice President Brian Blau said. “I think that’s going to be interesting to retailers who what to understand demographics — who’s coming onto their store, who…