Here’s Why National Geographic Rules Social Video

Here’s Why National Geographic Rules Social Video

Author: Bree Brouwer / Source: Tubular Insights National Geographic has existed for over 120 years, initially starting as a society of in

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National Geographic has existed for over 120 years, initially starting as a society of individuals interested in science, exploration, and adventure. The brand then developed into a media powerhouse, with the first edition of its magazine launching in 1888. Over the years, National Geographic (or NatGeo as it’s shortened to nowadays) has become synonymous with powerful storytelling, incredible photography, and compelling messages.

And now in the digital age, NatGeo has expanded its media empire even further, boasting over 140 million followers across all its social media accounts. The brand has also morphed into a dominating online video publisher on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where it routinely pulls in millions of views each. Why is the science-based media company doing so well on its social video platforms, and how might other brands learn from the science-based its video strategy? We’ll take a look at those questions in the rest of this article.

NatGeo Knows Its Way Around Instagram

When it comes to all the video platforms National Geographic frequently posts on, Instagram is the science brand’s modus operandi. Since the brand is well-known for its unbeatable photography of animals and nature, it should come as no surprise NatGeo is doing well on Instagram, arguably the top social media platform for sharing photos and short-form moving pictures.

The majority of NatGeo’s 140 million social reach is from Instagram; 74.2 million fans, or 53% of the brand’s total following, prefer to engage with the brand’s video content on the photo- and video-sharing app. The next-highest following National Geographic boasts is from Facebook, which…