How Unconventional Brands Tell Compelling Stories on Social Video

How Unconventional Brands Tell Compelling Stories on Social Video

Brands in unexpected verticals are producing some amazing content, and proving that there’s a demand for out-of-the-box video that truly resonates with their core audience. That’s exactly what viewers experienced when Cambria released a Game of Thrones-like film to tell its story. It’s a risk, but the trailer alone generated 2.1M Facebook views, with a V3 (the number of views generated within the first 3 days of upload) of 1.7M. It may surprise you to know that brands within the logistics and heavy vertical generated 2.3B views in 2018 on YouTube, and 1.7B Facebook video views in the last 365 days. And it’s paying off in the form of 365M YouTube views for the 148 videos uploaded to the platform. Its breakout video of the past 12 months generated 62M views for Wells Fargo: Automotive Content Earns Massive Engagement on YouTube You’d think that automotive content would do well on social video, and of course, you’d be right. Let’s start with the big numbers – branded automotive content has generated 42.8B views on YouTube in the last 90 days, and 29.4B Facebook video views in the same period. Toyota in particular has generated 295M views and 4.2M engagements on Facebook in the last 3 months! Brown & Crouppen’s social video success has been far from just a one-off. In the last 90 days the law firm has attracted 1.3M YouTube views and 358K Facebook video views with hugely entertaining content like the breakdown of the laws being broken in The Dark Knight.

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Creating video content around popular topics like food, beauty, and fashion comes with a unique set of challenges, but at least brands can be confident there’s a demand for it. There’s a perception that creating video campaigns for those less-than-sexy verticals like construction, financial and legal services, and automotive is a much heavier lift, but we’re here to blow that myth wide open.

Brands in unexpected verticals are producing some amazing content, and proving that there’s a demand for out-of-the-box video that truly resonates with their core audience. So, think your product or service isn’t exciting enough? Take inspiration from the following examples:

Kitchen Counter Tops Go Game of Thrones

Searching for kitchen counters online might lead you to information about specs or tutorials around installation, but very rarely do you encounter an epic story around the history of the brand itself. That’s exactly what viewers experienced when Cambria released a Game of Thrones-like film to tell its story. It’s a risk, but the trailer alone generated 2.1M Facebook views, with a V3 (the number of views generated within the first 3 days of upload) of 1.7M.

The video stories woven around the “Legend of Cambria” campaign were distributed across the main social video platforms, drawing in over 8M views on Facebook in 2018 alone.

Logistics Boasted 2.3B YouTube Views in 2018

Heavy equipment, machinery, and logistics services are in constant demand around the world, so these brands need to market to B2B clients in the face of extraordinary pressure from their competitors. As such, many of them are turning to YouTube! It may surprise you to know that brands within the logistics and heavy vertical generated 2.3B views in 2018 on YouTube, and 1.7B Facebook video views in the last 365 days.

Some of the biggest names in the vertical…