It came out of one habit that I committed to every day. Investing in your own creation and production and distribution of your experience, expertise and passion while holding down a day job can transform your life. Work that makes a difference In his book “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” Cal Newport dives into the difference between deep work and shallow work. Rhythmic Approach: This where you set apart a certain time of day to do your deep work and block it out every day and commit to that ritual. These are not the only approaches but they provide some ideas for a habit that could change your life. The habit In 2009 I started my blog and my approach was more like a journalist. When you do that one day at a time for years then things start to happen. When you start sharing that with the planet, the magic of that distillation of your thoughts and genius is a place to grow and to be validated. “I create, I publish, I exist” Block out your time for “your” creation So plan your day for making sure you have focused creative space. That’s your life, your work and your creation.

Starting a business is often seen as a big bang approach. High risk and a big financial commitment. Find a bricks and mortar premises, commit to an expensive lease, hire staff and start marketing and selling your products and services.
Today all you need is a laptop, an Internet connection and just one idea.
Which one do I prefer?
I have done both. One trapped me and the other gave me the financial and mental freedom I had been seeking for decades.
It came out of one habit that I committed to every day.
False security
Finding “that” job often provides a false sense of security.
“That” craved for career can be destroyed by a corporate takeover or the cruel game of office politics. A job for life is being replaced by a 12 month contract or the freelancer.
But in a world that is in the majority a knowledge economy, the opportunities to reach the world that is thirsting for your experience and expertise and get paid for it is now needed. Becoming a freelancer or entrepreneur is becoming a solution.
Now I can hear you saying……“I have a day job and don’t have the time”. A day job is just 8 hours…..the raw reality? There are another sixteen hours available.
Arnold Bennett in a small 33-page book “How to Live on 24 Hours a Day” (written over a hundred years ago), encourages us to live a day within a day that can take us from ordinary to extraordinary.
Many of us go to work and come home and engage in trivial activities. This includes television, reading a glossy magazine, sending text messages or even playing with Snapchat.
Investing in your own creation and production and distribution of your experience, expertise and passion while holding down a day job can transform your life.
Work that makes a difference
In his book “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” Cal Newport dives into the difference between deep work and shallow work. Any of us that are trapped in the never-ending cycles of responding to emails and attending meetings know the feeling.
At the end of the day you are asking that question. “What have I done or created today that is of any consequence.”
But there is a solution to that nagging question.
It doesn’t matter if you are a knowledge worker within the corporate machine, an entrepreneur or a creative.
An approach
According to Cal Newport there are several options to doing “Deep Work”. It is not one size fits all. It depends on how you like working and living and also depends on your particular life circumstance.
Monastic Approach: Cutting yourself off from the world to focus and remove distraction
Bi-Modal Approach: This is where you may work and perform the day-to-day work in one location and do your deep work at another. You then dive in and out of each space.
Journalist Approach: This is an approach that you seize the opportunity at random as time and your schedule allows.
Rhythmic Approach:…