Why the C-suite needs to start paying attention to content marketing

Why the C-suite needs to start paying attention to content marketing

Emma Roborgh quotes Content Marketing Institute co-founder Robert Rose, who points out why content marketing needs to be viewed from top down as a business strategy rather than merely a marketing tactic. Robert Rose, co-founder of the Content Marketing Institute discusses why content marketing is in need of a serious reboot. For content marketing to make a major impact for brands we’ve got to reboot the whole practice, elevating the conversation from ‘marketing’ to ‘business,’ says Rose. “Content marketing needs to be viewed as a total business strategy that makes everything you do better, by building the asset that really matters to a business: an audience,” he says. However it’s primarily not been led by the C-suite, so the true potential business impact often hasn’t been clarified, understood and communicated throughout the business. If all this is is just a more expensive, alternative form of advertising, why shouldn’t I just do advertising?’ “Once you start having pressure to create more commoditised content, you’re going to decrease the cost of production of content. It’s not something that you extracted from the white paper you gave them, some transactional thing. They wanted to give it to you because you gave them such value that they wanted to get more stuff from you. You’re making your organisation smarter by using content and a content marketing approach to make your data better, to make your sales guys smarter, to make your product people know what product features they should be adding and so on and so on and so on.’” – Robert Rose is delivering a keynote entitled ‘Transforming Strategic Content: Marketing at a Profit’ at the B2B Marketing Leaders’ Forum APAC, which takes place on 16-18 May in Sydney. Only 24 places at the workshop remain, so register now to make sure you have all of the skills and knowledge you need for your content marketing to build a truly valuable business asset.

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Why the C-suite needs to start paying attention to content marketing

Emma Roborgh quotes Content Marketing Institute co-founder Robert Rose, who points out why content marketing needs to be viewed from top down as a business strategy rather than merely a marketing tactic.

Forget the rhetoric, the bravado and bluster: content marketing is about one thing, and one thing only. Audience. Building, growing and nurturing a valuable business asset. Robert Rose, co-founder of the Content Marketing Institute discusses why content marketing is in need of a serious reboot.

For content marketing to make a major impact for brands we’ve got to reboot the whole practice, elevating the conversation from ‘marketing’ to ‘business,’ says Rose.

Ahead of delivering his keynote at the B2B Marketing Forum in Sydney later this year, Rose says if brands just look at content marketing as a marketing tactic, its impact is going to be limited. Instead, it needs to be viewed from top down as a business strategy that marketing people perform.

“Content marketing needs to be viewed as a total business strategy that makes everything you do better, by building the asset that really matters to a business: an audience,” he says. “That’s what content marketing delivers. The content is purely a bridge to build the relationship.”

Many businesses across the world have tried content marketing to some degree or another. However it’s primarily not been led by the C-suite, so the true potential business impact often hasn’t been clarified, understood and communicated throughout the business. This often means content is viewed on its own merits, rather than a conduit to a much greater, more valuable business outcome.

“If you’re looking at content as the commodity it just becomes an alternate form of advertising,” says Rose. “Sometimes it works and it works okay, but the value of it flattens out very quickly.

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