14 Free Business Tools to Make Your Startup more Successful in 2017

14 Free Business Tools to Make Your Startup more Successful in 2017. If you are a growing company and you have a growth-driven team, vision and dedication to achieve your business goals, all you need a powerful set of right and integrated tools to leverage your business. GrowthBot is an effective chatbot that can give entrepreneurs more convenient access to information you already have. For social media marketing on all the major networks, Buffer is indeed a great option for entrepreneurs to opt for. Canva is a great tool that can enable you to create images in a very short amount of time so that you can make your business website, emails, social media posts and different other marketing asset more engaging and attractive for your audience. Doodle is a great tool that simplifies the scheduling process by allowing you to offer so many time slots to your meeting attendees so they can easily choose what time works best. Slack Collaborating with multiple teams on different projects at the same time can be a great challenge for many businesses. Aha is an amazing tool that helps businesses to view a visual representation of their plans, goals, vision and direction. Moreover, Aha has some great features such as strategy, ideas, releases and integrations that can help you check out once you sign up for it. Thanks to the free and efficient tools that augment necessary day-to-day tasks, small business owners have the advantage of managing their operations more resourcefully than they used to do 10 years ago.

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Being an entrepreneur, it is imperative that you must be equipped with an in-depth knowledge of the major variables, in the both internal and external environments, that will help you enhance your business’s growth. In order to drive revenue and gain competitive edge over your rivals, you need to excel in different aspects of your business. These aspects include: enhancing team management & communication, harnessing social media to promote your business, keeping an eye on the financial health, focussing on building long-term partnership with your customers and task automation.

If you are a growing company and you have a growth-driven team, vision and dedication to achieve your business goals, all you need a powerful set of right and integrated tools to leverage your business. Fortunately, there are thousands of apps, services, software and tools available to simplify and enhance various business processes. These effective tools can help entrepreneurs to achieve their business goals, minimize distractions and give you more time to focus on building strategies that can grow your business.

Growing your business is indeed a daunting challenge, but thanks to advancements made in the info-tech industry, there are many free web-based tools at your disposal that can help you efficiently and effectively manage aforementioned aspects that affect your business 24/7. So, if you wish to give your brainchild the right direction and momentum it needs to succeed in 2017, then this is your seize-the-day moment.

For all the budding entrepreneurs reading this post, we have compiled a list of free web-based applications for you that will facilitate you in efficiently managing your daily operations and successfully accomplish long-term goals that you’ve set for your soon-to-be business empires.

1. HubSpot CRM


Finding the right CRM software that can easily be implemented is difficult, especially for small and medium-sized businesses having limited resources and budget. If truth be told, it is impossible for every business to grow without a CRM (Customer Relationship Management tool). HubSpot CRM can serve as a solid foundation of growth where all your business operations are organized and can be easily gauged. This CRM tool tracks every interaction your sales team has with your customers, stores all your marketing leads and customer data and improves communication across the whole company.

2. Google Keyword Planner


Search engine optimization plays a key role in increasing traffic to your website which is indeed a big driver of business growth in this competitive era. If you want more and more visitors to your website, you will need a keyword tool to help you prioritize which keywords to focus on. One of the best keyword tools is Google Keyword Planner that helps entrepreneurs to narrow down the right keywords, determine competition around every keyword and find out how many people are searching for the particular keyword.

3. TaskQue


TaskQue is a web-based task management software that helps entrepreneurs to simplify complex business processes. Marketing and sales team have a lot of projects and ideas going on at the same time. TaskQue is the best tool for tracking the progress of each task and resource, making it easier for project managers to accomplishing their business goals. With TaskQue, business owners can stay organized, focused and effective, while making a great impact on business growth.

4. GrowthBot


Bots can make business process simpler, while intelligently answering questions to customers’ queries. GrowthBot is an effective chatbot that can give entrepreneurs more convenient access to information you already have. It gives you an easy access to information you didn’t know you already had. Best of all, you can integrate GrowthBot with different marketing systems such as Google Analytics and HubSpot.

5. Buffer


Believe it or not, social media is a great amplifier. It takes time, but…