How to Run Video Ad Campaigns with Google Ads

How to Run Video Ad Campaigns with Google Ads

In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can run video ad campaigns with Google Ads, and how to get the most out of your Google video ad campaigns. Why Should I Run Google Video Ads on the Display Network? Search ads are shown to users who search for certain keywords, and are show the ads at the very top of their results. Instead of trying to capture demand that’s already there, these ads can be used for brand awareness, actually creating demand for their products. Typically creating video content specifically for YouTube users is a better choice if you’re going to run YouTube ad campaigns, but you can create them all through this system. How to Run Video Ads in Google Ads Want to run video ads on Google? You can either choose to create a Display Network campaign, or a Video campaign (which is tied to YouTube). Choose “Display” when selecting your campaign type. Next, you’ll go through the ad creation process as you would with any other Google Ads campaign. You can choose to target users and select placements in several different ways.

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When most people hear the phrase “Google Ads,” their first thoughts immediately jump to the conventional search ads that will be displayed at the top of a user’s results pages. These are, without a doubt, an essential part of the Google ad platform.

Display ads, however, are also an important part of Google Ads, even though they don’t always get quite as much attention. The display network (previously referred to as Google AdSense before a recent name change) allows advertisers to place ads on relevant and participating websites all across the internet. These ads are much more visual than conventional search ads, with both images and videos available as ad formats to choose from.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can run video ad campaigns with Google Ads, and how to get the most out of your Google video ad campaigns.

Why Should I Run Google Video Ads on the Display Network?

This really is the question of the hour, isn’t it, at least in this blog post?

The display network and search ads serve two very different advertising purposes, and it’s important to understand that up front. Search ads are shown to users who search for certain keywords, and are show the ads at the very top of their results. These ads are all text-based, and very short. These ads are shown to users seeking out specific products, services, or brands, and they capture users who are pretty much actively looking for you. You’re funneling the demand that already exists to your b business.

google video ads

Display ads, on the other hand, will be placed on different participating websites across the internet. They may include text, images, and videos, and you’ll see them most often in headers, banners, or sidebars, though they can appear in other formats, too.

Targeting works a little differently for these campaigns, and interest targeting and retargeting are both utilized more heavily. Instead of trying to capture demand that’s already there, these ads can be used for brand awareness, actually creating demand for their products. I was shown the ad below, for example, a day after viewing that product on

Google video ads

The ability to generate demand instead of hoping it comes your way is a big advantage, and the retargeting capabilities are excellent. And, of course, it goes without saying that the ability to use video (which is a high-performing medium for ad campaigns) is a huge advantage, too.

How Does YouTube Factor Into This?

YouTube is part of Google Ads, so in addition to display ads, you can also run YouTube Ads through the AdWords system, too. Typically creating video content specifically for YouTube users is a better choice if you’re going to run YouTube ad campaigns, but you can create them all through this system.

How to Run Video Ads in Google Ads

Want to run video ads on Google? There are two different methods of campaign creation that you can choose from. You can either choose to create a Display Network campaign, or a Video campaign (which is tied to YouTube). Both allow you to add video components to the ads. Let’s take a look at each.

The Display Network Option

This ad campaign type will let you create the traditional appears-on-webpages-online ads that you’d associate…