B2B Marketers, Are Your Content Marketing Efforts Sparking Joy for Your Audience?

B2B Marketers, Are Your Content Marketing Efforts Sparking Joy for Your Audience?

All over the world, people are asking themselves a simple yet powerful question: Does it spark joy? Don’t Make Them Wait for Joy As much as it pains me to say, your audience isn’t hanging on your every word. Delight your audience by getting to the point, making it easy for them to capture inspiration and insight early on. The real point here is to give them a reason to keep reading. Connect them with the insights of the people they know, think they know, and trust. Additionally, influencers raise brand awareness and engagement by giving companies access to an audience they may not otherwise have through a trusted and credible source.” Give Them Something to Delight Their Senses They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Click Here to see the Break Free from Boring B2B Guide in Full Screen Mode Plus, it was paired with a fun teaser trailer to bring the fun to other platforms. Become an Advocate With Best Answer Content Your audience has questions. What does best-answer content look like? Spark Audience Connections.

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How to Spark Audience Joy with Your Content

Best-selling author, tidying expert, and star of a massively successful Netflix show, Marie Kondo, is really on to something. Her simple yet effective tidying method is brilliant, but what it stands for is what’s truly inspiring.

All over the world, people are asking themselves a simple yet powerful question: Does it spark joy?

But be honest, B2B marketers: When’s the last time you stopped to consider whether your marketing efforts were sparking joy for your audience? (Was it before, during, or after you dropped your latest white paper?)

Joy is a powerful emotion—it signals happiness, triumph, and exuberance. And in a time where delivering amazing, personalized experiences to our buyers is the new bar, we need to commit to delighting our audience throughout their journey. When we do this, we not only give them what they want and need, but we can also build a stronger connection with our brands.

So, what does it take to spark joy? How do you delight your buyers throughout their journey? Here are a few top tips and considerations.

Don’t Make Them Wait for Joy

As much as it pains me to say, your audience isn’t hanging on your every word. In a study of their own content, CoSchedule found that only 10-20% of their readers made it to the bottom of the post. Many readers never made it past 20-30% of the way through the post.

Delight your audience by getting to the point, making it easy for them to capture inspiration and insight early on. As Chris Brogan recently said at Social Media Marketing World 2019:

“The average human reads only 19 minutes a day. That includes texts, emails, and BuzzFeed articles. They’re not going to read your 2,000-word missive. You can’t write your content like it’s a murder mystery and reveal the butler did it on the last page. Get the story into the first paragraph.”

Look to your own online-reading experiences to give you some perspective here. Odds are, you often skim articles and blogs for the nuggets of information you’re looking for. So, don’t let your content hide those nuggets away.

And that’s not to say that you can’t provide a little mystery or intrigue. Your goal should always be to pull your reader through to the end. The real point here is to give them a reason to keep reading.

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